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Star Wars: The Republic Wars(Accepting)

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[spoiler=Story]Over a thousand years after the events of Galactic Civil War a new legend was born. Another Chosen One has been born. After all the Events of Galactic Civil War the Galaxy has become more peaceful. It is now Ruled by a new Republic and there Supreme Chancellor.

The Chosen One is now on Tatooine the Sand Planet which is still ruled by the Hutts. It is remote now days and the information about the Chosen One hasn’t reached the planet yet.

The Jedi Order has been remade under the lead of the Jedi Grand Master. There is a new Jedi Temple, which has been rebuilt on Coruscant. The Jedi were sent on a mission to find the Chosen One. They have searched almost every corner of the Galaxy searching for this person. They now are heading to Tatooine to hopefully find the Chosen One.

The Sith have also reborn and under the lead of the Dark Lord of the Sith they have formed a new Sith alliance. They have assembled the Third Death Star which is there new base. It is not yet operational though. They have returned to using Darth Banes Rule of Two to keep there army alive. The Sith Apprentice has taken a Squad of Sith to Tatooine the believed location of the Chosen One.

The Supreme Chancellor does not have faith in the Jedi. He has assembled his own Squad of Jedi to find the Chosen One. They are known as the Republic Knights. The Jedi and Sith do not know of these people. These knights are trained to find this Chosen One and kill anyone in there way of finding him. A small Squad is heading to Tatooine like the Jedi and the Sith.

The Bounty Hunter’s are also searching for this Chosen One. There is a number so high on his head that if he is found any Bounty Hunter could clear all of there debts and have enough money to live for 1000 years.

The Galaxy is going mad trying to find the Chosen One and the Galaxy could soon plunge into an era of War. This is the beginning of the Republic War.
[spoiler=Rules]1. You must follow all YCM Rules
2. You are allowed to post as many apps as you want until i tell you to stop
3. No Short Posts
4. No God-Modding, Power-Plays, Meta-Gaming
5. No killing off characters unless I say
6. I will think of more soon[/spoiler]

Jason Skywalker roamed around the sand planet of Tatooine. It was the middle of a sand storm, though he could use his Force Powers to part the sand. He looked into the distance and a lone clone came up to him. He pulled out one of his lightsaber's and cut off his head. His father had given him his lightsaber and starship and taught him everything he knew. He realised that the lone clone could mean more. [i]The Empire could be on Tatooine, what would they be after?[/i] He knew that this would be bad for everyone. The last time the Empire came here 50 people died and his father died. He hopped it wouldn't happen again.
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[color="#FF8C00"]Sylvia landed on Nal Hutta, locking Slave 1 once she had disembarked, and started to walk into the busy spaceport, heading to the palace in the distance. As she walked, a small gang started to walk around her and try to steer her into an alley. As they reached the alley, they all turned towards her and raised blasters at her. She spun around and shot one at a time even as they shot at her armour and stunned them all in the space of a few seconds until only their leader remained. She walked to the leader, grabbed the blaster off him and demanded to be taken to the palace. The leader demanded to be released but because he did, Sylvia turned down the power on her blaster and shot him in the stomach before demanding the same thing again. The leader, named Crion, told her that he would be killed if he stepped into the palace but could give her directions to it. Once she had the directions, she shot him again at a higher setting to stop him from contacting anyone, then left and hired a hover scooter from down the road.[/color]
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Kazuya floated around the ships hangar bay, having stretched his ody thin enough to not be visible to anyone but those who felt his force presence, moving through the clones only being noticed as being there by his force-sensitive clones. floating along calmly while waiting for an idea of what planet he wantedto visit next to hit him. "hm.. I've got it.." he then says only just aduile making a few of the clones who weren't force sensitive jump before they realised who it must've been. Kazuya then floated towards the Galactic map just down the hall from the cockpit, finding the planet he was thinking of (Null) on it and then floating into the cockpit to tell the pilot the co-ordinates of the next planet.

[b]Faith Rosado[/b]

Meanwhile Faith sat alone in her quarters watching a holovid about the Dopplegänger power of the force, which allowed users to create a perfect illusion of themself, seend and heard even on droid audio and visual sensors, allowing it to be almost unable to be seen through if the force user used telekinesisto make the illusion interact with nearby objects as if it was real. While watching Faith wondered how such a power would be useful considering that if anything happened to the real body the illusion would dispel which meant that a single disruption could dsestroy the illusion it made and reveal that it wasn't the real force-user.

[b]Ty Vermillion[/b]

Ty stood alone in a clearing neary a large mountaint the other side of which a waterfall was rushing, feeling out with the force he felt other force-sensitives neary, possibly jedi. Ty remembered hearing something about this planet, it's name Ragoon 6 and something about it's inhabitants only allowing aetonians and jedi on it. Ty then walked forwards slowly to the edge of the plane and crouched before jumping, using the force to push him up high into the air before laying face-down in mid-air with his arms out for a couple of seconds before he started moving them, using his wings and flying through the air above flying around the side of the mountain heading towards the waterfall diving towards it and pulling up just enough to avoid crashing into it, the cold water bouncing off the mandalorian iron armor but cooling it slightly, which lessened the pain the iron caused him when it heated up, then gliding down to a nearby formation of rocks seemingly stacked ontop of one rock which was sticking just aove the water, landing on it with both hands against the top of it causing it to slip slightly before he used force telekinesis toslowly try to slide it back into shape not wanting to alert those nearby to his presence yet.
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Holocrons were difficult things to find which made Zekk feel a little proud at the fact that he had come across the Telos Holocron a few days before. Despite having been owned by the Jedi at one point, it retained the knowledge that had been transcribed into it by Naga Shadow, Darth Bane, Darth Revan, and Darth Sidius, who's apparition he had dueled in order to obtain it. However, after having tried everything he could think of to make it work, he still had not been able to activate it. He figured it was broken, and placed it on a shelf space, which he hoped to use to store any other holocrons he came across, he poked it with his finger, not expecting any different results than what he had already gotten.
The holocron shook slightly and revealed a hologram of a former Dark Lord, Darth Revan. Zekk felt a slight disturbance in the force and realized that even as a hologram, Revan's power was clearly greater than what most Sith would hope to achieve. Darth Revan spoke, his word's clearly audible as if the dark lord were standing before him now.
[color=red]"I am Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Those who use the dark side are also bound to serve it. To understand this is to understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must seek power above all else, with no reservation or hesitation. The Force will change you. It will transform you. Some fear this change. The teachings of the Jedi are focused on fighting and controlling this transformation. That is why those who serve the light are limited in what they accomplish."[/color]
Zekk took note of his words and realized that he had found one of the most powerful objects in existence. He was sure that his master Kazuya would be pleased with him if he showed him the artifact. He decided that he would share the knowledge of the holocron with his master, after he had studied it himself of course.
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More Clones came charging out of the sand. He knew that this couldn't be good. He went and stabbed a few more clones. Jason charged into the distance to try to figure where they were coming from. Then when he looked up. Tie Fighters were flying around everywhere shooting down everything. There were explosions everywhere. He ran back to his ship and he used the cannons on the ship to shoot down two TIE Fighters though more clones were closing in on him. He didn't know what to do.
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As the large shipchanged it's direction after recieving the co-ordinates from Kazuya he felt a slight disturbance in the force on the ship somewhere near his quarters, only just able to have sensed it. "hm.. a disturbance all the way over there but he wouldn't have been able to do anything that I would have felt all the way over here.. would he?" Kazuya mutters to himselfwhile he floats along towards his quarters, one of his lightsabers rising through the ball of gas he was made up of out from the middle where he had decided earlier to store it for the moment, modifying his body to leave a hole in the middle for it, and floating beside him while he moved through the air quickly wondering if it was indeed his apprentice or if someone more powerful managed to arrive via the Force Phantom power.
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The alarm started Blaring. This could only mean one thing! Some-one was attackiNg the chosen one! Johkan ran to the hangar, right after he left a note to Master Woy, telling him where he had gone. He took his lightsaber in one hand, the wheel of the ship in the other. "This may be tthe fastest ship in non-hyper space class, but I can control Midnight Storm like riding a Hutt." He strapped his helmet on, Jo blasted into space, setting course for Tantooine. He landed near the battle, and realised they were shooting from the air as well. He got back into the ship, and set it on auto pilot. It started to fly around, blasting TIE Fighters left and right. Johkan took out his whip, and unsheathed his lightsaber. He started eloctrocuting the nearby Storm-Troopers, Making there systems go hay-wire. The Sorm-Troopers started shooting each other, crea ting utter chaos. "Hah, they thought I needed Jedi Mind Trick." He walked up to the young boy in the turret, and greeted him. "Hello, I'm Johkan. I'll be your bodygaurd on the way back to my house. let's go."

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[i]Wait who the hell is this guy[/i] he jumped out of his ship and walked over to the man. He put away his lightsaber and then realised. [i]He made the clones kill each other he must be a force sensitive of some kind, maybe he is a Jedi[/i] his father told him that the Jedi were good people who fight against the Empire. Though this guy he didn't look like one. There was just something about him. Though he didn't look like a Sith either. [i]I wonder who he is[/i] Jason thought. "Who are you and who does your loyalty lie with," he asked
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Zekk deactivated the holocron after a short while, he had been studying it long enough to get the fundamentals of the red lightning, but still had a way to go to master it. Once the apparition of Revan had disappeared, Zekk felt a sudden drop in pressure. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep this a secret for long, so he decided he would tell his master about it once he had learned the red lightning. He took his saberstaff and buckler and left. He walked to the hangar and started playing dice with some of the pilots who had grown bored. He lost about half of his money before quitting and checking on his ship.
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Kazuya had reachedthe hangar bay before he felt the disturbance in the force disappear, opening a secret compartment in the wall and placing his weapons in there before spreading so thin that he couldn't be seen, waiting to see who came from the way the disturbance in the force came from. Kazuya then watched as Zekk came out into the hangar bay, floating nearby invisible to all sights except that of the force being able to sense him before he disguised his force presence, making himself only just able to be sensed with the force. Kazuya then watched as Zekk lost roughly half of what Kazuya thought he had before leaving following him as Zekk went to check on his ship, reconcetrating himself and stoppiung disuising his presence while Zekk was busy. "From what I've taught you so far you wouldn't have been able to have made a force disturbance like that.. so.. mind telling me who it was?" Kazuya then asks thinking that someone had used the Force Phantom technique, ready to restrain zekk if he was being controlled.

[b]Faith Rosado[/b]

As Faith turned the holovid off she felt something, similar to what Kazuya had told her was a disturbance in the force, not being able to pinpoint it's location but knowing it was somewhere near where Kazuya's Quarters were, walking outof her room taking his lightsaber with her and walking along the edge pof the hallway slowly moving before she felt the disturbance disappear, standing nearby the hangar she watched before seeing someone walk out of the hallway not recognising them. "So.. that must be his new apprentice.. wonder what that was?" she mutters to herself watching them with Force Sight, then noticing Kazuya appear next to them after a while nearby a ship. "[i]hm.. his eyes seem brighter..[/i]" she thinks to herself before slowlywalking into the hangar staying against the wall and watching calmly.

[b]Ty Vermillion[/b]

Ty then used the force to push himself off the rocks into the air a few splashing into the water as Ty notices a neary Jedi look, watching the look on their face as he then swoops towards them, swinging his cane which he just then detached from a sling on his back towards them. The jedi jumped back before drawing their lightsaber and igniting it, it's green blade just avoiding cutting off a lim of a nearby tree. Ty then swung the cane against a root on the ground getting it caught and pressing a button as he adjusted how he held it, the blade igniting before he swings it forwards, de-activating it as the jedi tried to lock it then reactivating it, cutting their arm off. "run.." Ty then said before crouching slightly and using force push to push the jedi into a tree before the look on their face changed as they noticed what he was then jumping backwards onto the tree and pushing off of it, using the force to pull their lightsaber ack to them as they start running.
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Zekk turned around to face his master. He raised his hand and put his new studies into practice, he made a spark of lightning, focusing on maintaining it he managed to make a few more sparks before it completely died. "That didn't go exactly as planned. Now that you figured it out, I should tell you I found the Telos Holocron a few days ago, but I only managed to activate it today. What you felt was Darth Revan, I studied the red lightning for a few minutes then came here. I was planning on telling you about it once I had the red lightning down." Zekk sensed another presence other than his master's and out of the corner of his eye noticed Kazuya's other apprentice, from what he knew of her, she was quite accomplished in the ways of the force. He didn't think she noticed and explained the contents of the holocron to Kazuya, keeping a close eye on her while he spoke.
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"Hmm.. Darth Revan's?.. then it very well may be able to tech you the only technique sure oif killing me.. ofcourse it's suicide though" Kazuya then says calmly. "Have you heard of the Thought Bomb?" Kazuya then asked as he noticed Faith over near the wall watching, then using Force Illusion to show her that watching wasn't necessary, providing an illusion of him and Zekk walking away, thinking they were gone she went back down the hallway. "[i]If Zekk doestruly havea holocron made by Darth Revan.. he may be able to learn attacks that might be able to stop me completely..[/i]" Kazuya thinks to himself while waiting for Zekk's answer.
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"I cannot tell you who or what my organozation is, but I can only tell this. Our mission is protect you from any-one who wants to capture you. My master will explain more when we get back. Now, let's go. Some-body might find out what happened and come here. My ship is the fastest in the universe. Any pursuers will not be able to catch us. Now, Let's Go!" Johkan was getting irratated, then he realized he must be pretty frightning. A Togorian, who can make people fight each-other. "Look, don't be scared. I am Johkan, a warrior who's only purpose is to defend you from the Empire and such. The only reason I could make those people fight was because their army was electric based. I can't even use the force. I do, though, have an electric whip that seems to use the force for me. Don't touch it. Last time that happened, it oppened up and now, the guy can't even talk." Gosh! This must be terrifying! Ihope this person trust me.
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(OCC: The Republis Knights are Force Sensitive)

"I want to see your Master," said Jason. He knew this was probably a bad idea though if he couldn't use the force than he could take him. [i]Wait what if he serves the Empire[/i] he thought. Hew knew something was up with this guy. [i]He's a force sensitive defiantly[/i] that means he is lying. [i]Though how do I make him admit he is a force sensitive[/i] he thought. He pulled out one of his lightsabers and pointed it at his heart. "Who are you and who is your leader and whose side are you on," he screamed in his face.
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"Actually, it includes Revan's teachings, but it was made by Darth Bane. In the future, I may attempt to kill you, as are the ways of the Sith, but remember, I still can't hit you." He assumed Kazuya wouldn't be too angry with him. He must have been aware that his apprentice was destined to battle him and take on an apprentice of his own, who would in turn battle him and keep the cycle going. Apprentice overthrowing master, then taking an apprentice who will defeat him or her. "Until then, I will remain your apprentice, absorbing every technique you can teach me, all the while plotting to overthrow you, as she will." He gestured towards Faith. "I still don't understand what the point of taking on two apprentices would be since only one of us can defeat you. Or are you teaching us separately then planning to pit us against each other to see who your true heir will be?"
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(OOC: I can't use the force, 'member. I just left the Knights, so now I'm kind a rouge)

The child all of the sudden took out his Lightsaber and pointed it at Johkan's chest "First, let me tell you something. My heart isn't there. It's somewhere else. This will probably get me kicked out, or even worse, but I work for an orginazation called the Republic Knights. We are a group of Jedi, whoes goal is to make sure no-one, Empire and Jedi alike, capture you. I have no idea who our leader is, but my master is Master Woy. Please don't kill me. I have nothing else to live for, my family turned me away when I was born, since I couldn't use the force." Then, Johkan remembered something. He can use the force, so he can tell when a non-force user is Lying. "I can't use the force, so you can tell when I'm lying. I don't think I can go back to the Knights. We need to go. Now! Sorry. I get impacient. Can we please go, and you not kill me." Now, ohkan was freaking out. He rolled out of the way, and took out his lightsaber, to protect himself. The odd lightsaber was Glowing brighter than usaul. "There is my ship. It's time to make the choice. Are you going to go out on your own, and be captured, or are you gonna come with me and live?"

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"I have a better idea," said Jason. He knew this would make him mad. [i]If he isn't a force sensitive then he should take me to his master[/i] Jason thought. He knew he could kill this guy easily. He wasn't a Force Sensitive though he had that whip. Jason knew he could flog him easily. He needed to know what was going on. "Why are you trying to protect me and if you are not one of them take me to your master," said Jason as he pointed his saber at his chest looking for his fear. [i]He better take me to his master or else I will kill him[/i] Jason thought.
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"Please, stop it! Look, I have no master any-more. But if you want to see who it used to be, we can swing by, maybe cause some havoc over there. I'm not as easy to defeat as you think. Please." [i]Geez! This is getting really hard. Why is this kid so stubborn? [/i]Thought Johkan. Suddenly, Midnight Storm pusshed Johkan, and spoke some Togorian language to him. [color="#ff0000"]There are more Imperials coming, plus, some Jedi, too. [/color][color="#000000"]" Alright, look. There are mor Imperials coming this way. Hop on Midnight Storm, and we can get out of here. There is also a report of a Sith Lord on one of the ships. You probably think I now this cause I am an Imperial, but I'll prove it to you that I'm no sith." Johkan hopped into his ship, blasted into space, and shot doen the Sith occupied ship. Joh blasted back down, and landed. "See that, in the sky? That was the Sith ship. Do you trust me now?"[/color]

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Jason then realised he could get some serious information out of this guy. Me pulled down his lightsaber and then said to him, "You take your ship, I am going to take mine, send me the Coordinates to his location," He sprinted over to his ship, got his Astromech droid into his ship then he jumped in. [i]This is it, this will be my first real battle, This is going to be great[/i] he hoped he could take this guy. The coordinates then appeared on his screen and he loaded them in and flew towards the place.
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"I guess the fact that you cant hit me remains with all but very few sith techniques" Kazuya then says as he hears that it was made by darth bane, then laughing lightly as his apprentice gestured towards faith who had returned to the hallway, asking why he had two apprentices then asking if he planned to pit them against eachother. "If i pit you two against eachother, it will most likely turn out a draw, her force sight which she has grown up with as her only sight would be far better than normal sight along with the fact of having a dual lightsaber, though you seem to have more powerful techniques than her" he then says calmly before moving back slightly. "Anyway, to defeat me you'll need her knowledge of techniques to know the things that could make me vulnerable, as most of the more deadly technique you've learnt will need to hit their target, while she has been studying multiple force powers on her own, in her room which is why you barely see her. "Anyway.. If yoiu only follow darth bane's rule the number of sith will remain the same, but training multiple of our side will lead to not only having an army capable of using the deadly techniques of then darker side of the force but we will end up outnumbering the jedi.. but if you believe in darth bane's rule of two try to see if you can harm me now.. after all 4 years being taught deadly force skills should be enough to hurt me at the least if you believe you'll be my sole suscessor" he then says calmly spreading his body into the shape of a human body his eyes at the chest of the body.
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(Hey, Cardmaster, you kinda controled my character there.)

"Alright, but I'll get there first, so all the damage will be done." [i]Thank gawd! He is finally coming with me. I hope he's not tricking me! [/i]Johkan, said then, thought. He hopped in Midnight Stoem, and sped off to Kwanazar. He landed, and said : "Hey, master, I'm home!" Master Woy walked out of his room, to find a Lightsaber at his throat. Woy took out his Lightsaber, and said " The Dark Side has gotten to you, hasn't it?" "Nope, I just revealed what we do to the chosen one." "Where is he? Give him to me now!" The two powerful Jedi battled each-other, Lightsabers crashing. Eveuntally, Woy got Johkan against the wall, but forgot about Shockvine (It needed a name). Johkan took it out, and knocked Woy out with it. [i]He was a jerk, anyways.[/i]Thought Johkan. [i]I hope Jason is happy, though.[/i]
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"I suppose you're right about the Sith outnumbering the Jedi, but if I remember right, many great Sith lords were alone, the bane of many Jedi. Desolous killed thousands with similar swordsmanship as me, Phobos required both Jedi and Sith to defeat her. Over the centuries, the Rule of Two has brought many Sith more powerful than in an order, but the order allows powerful people to band together and have a force stronger still than the two." He noticed Kazuya taking a humanoid appearance, to test his theory of being untouchable. In a fluid motion he took his lightsaber, activated it, and swung it at his master.
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Kazuya's body modified itself at a precise enough speed so to only be mm away from the lightsaber while it went through reforming 1mm behind it as it passed through Kazuya, having what would seem to most have sliced through him but he was unaffected by the lightsaber. "The Rule of two has produced powerful sith yes.. but with their teachings spread through numbers evan equal to that of the jedi order we could exterminate them could we not?" Kazuya then asks before moving the right hand he made his gas body form into slightly and using force illusion on his apprentice, the area around them to him seemingly tearing apart before flying into outer space leaving him standing on a very small platform of metal as the stars nearby dissappeared before two giant white eyes appeared infront of him. "think how powerless they would be if we had just a few use this and trick them on our positions, leading to quite fatal mistakes, it could bring them down quite quickly with just a single sith saber inside the walls of the temple" Kazuya then says before the eyes disappear as he stops using force illusion. "And that is just a universal power.. if we command the dark side with a large number of us the jedi don't stand a chance, but ofcurse they need to be kept in-line, which is why I am training you.. after all if you learn to be able to hit something that is untouchable, how would those with flesh stand a chance at defiance.. but hitting me will not be enough to kill me.. hence why I am disregarding the rule of two which leads to the death of the master instead of allowing them to train further sith under them.." he then says while floating there seemingly not moving at all while waiting for something else to happen.
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(OCC: I made a knew character if you want to check it out)

[i]What the hell is going on?[/i] "Where are we?" Jason said. Everything had gone so fast he couldn't keep track of it. He pulled out his lightsaber's still trying to wonder what was going on. [i]He just knocked out his previous master[/i] Jason thought. He was still holding one of his saber's to Johkan's head and one to the knocked out person. He still didn't get what is going on. "Ok who assembled this crazy squad? Who is the leader of the Republic Knight's? You have to tell me or else I will kill you." said Jason.
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