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[REQ] Avi


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Guest Mako109

I need an avi. Of Pete Stacker. Don't know who he is? Jfgi. There are a few pics below with examples of what he looks like. Feel free to use one of them as the pic.



Anything goes, really. Just maintain the Halo feel. If you need more details, I'll comply.



Will pay most prices.

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Guest Mako109

Looks pretty good, although I'd like to see what the others make. Also, it's a little unclean, the blue background isn't fitting, and it doesn't really look like Stacker. Also, it's not to the full 100 x 100 that the Avi can be in size.


-Critic mode off-


Thanks a bunch. If no one else comes up with anything better, I'll use it.

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