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race to the...............uh do we finish?

~British Soul~

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Oh, you said in the back, not just "I go back". In that case I go up to the plane by private jet and jump into from jet to plane, King Midas blocking any shots, I take out a sword and slash your gun as the rest of my team continues going forward. I break into the control room and stab the controls to have the plane fall. I jump out as it's falling and [url="http://hayatenogotoku.wikia.com/wiki/Hayate_Ayasaki"]Hayate Ayasaki[/url] catches me when I fall. "I'm saved, Hayate." "No problem, A-Tan". Hayate runs with the rest of my team as he holds me in his arms.

Sorry for being too into character.

Cardcaptors' lead.
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We all go into the R-S-cape Pods and avoid the explosion. I jump out of mine and stab Hayate in the head and fight all of you off with my ninja skillz. I then put on Herme's boots and fly to the RS-Atmosphere Station and put on my R-S-pace suit and fly on toward space. I land in my private space station and take my secret weapon. I land on Earth with the R-S-Indestructoplane!!!! My teammates jump in it and we fly to the lead.
~{SHRT}~'s lead.
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You went to space this time but you forgot to build weapons on your Indestructoplane so you can't attack us with it. Then Hayate jumps on a bicycle and I jump on with him as he pedals extremely to be able to keep up with any vehicle. Is this guy even human?

Cardcaptors' and ~{SHRT}~'s tie.
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[quote name='~{Rochster}~' timestamp='1304297374' post='5183024']
Anyways, I give up fighting you and do what I did in my other post.
[color="#FFFFFF"]I deploy the roaches that are in cute, mini Indestructotanks![/color]
~{SHRT}~'s lead.
Hidden message is still hidden. The roaches scatter all over the wheels of the cycle, making it crash. They then create their own weapons and shoot you down. I go out the plane and snipe all of you again. I then reveal the bomb compartment on the plane.

~{SHRT}~ lead.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1304583287' post='5189203']
i get into the S-Plane and fly further into the lead for my team
[color="#C0C0C0"]the plane deploys the mini S-bots[/color]
~{SHRT}~'s lead Still
hidden message is hidden

you run out of fuel on your motorcycles (which you couldn't play card games on) my S-bots refuel me, and i pass you

~{SHRT}~'s lead
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I jump on the S-Plane and rip off the armor before you shoot at them, then jump off. Hayate's gone, you had better catch me, Mizuki!

[quote name='Athena Tennousu' timestamp='1304514009' post='5187601']
Anyways, I give up fighting you as Hayate grabs another bike and rides all the way back to his lady, Nady Sanzenin, to continue to be her butler.

~{SHRT}~'s lead.
See? Gone!
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[quote name='Athena Tennousu' timestamp='1305420619' post='5209037']
I jump on the S-Plane and rip off the armor before you shoot at them, then jump off. Hayate's gone, you had better catch me, Mizuki!

See? Gone!

Hmm I don't get that much what you're saying but this is my guess "You're still on my team, but your character ran away to be a butler again so you are a different character now?" Thats my guess cause I didn't get what you said xD

still Cardcaptor's Lead
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~{Rochster}~ made a hidden message so I did somthing about it before he said it was still hidden.

Then, I said Hayate was gone. (Hayate is gone because I was using him earlier since Hayate Ayasaki & Athena Tennousus are from the same anime/manga. I'm still using Athena as my character even though I have a different avatar. It was Hayate that went back, not my character, to be a butler because he is a butler)
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The pink arrows are strong, but are not enough to penetrate the S-Ship, even without the armor. One of the arrows goes in the ship's engine and it crashes. We get up and get the RS-Portal Gun! I shoot it at the ground and then at you guys. It misses and it just lands on the ground near you. We jump into the portal and get on our RS_Motercycles, which we play card games on.
Jack: Card games on motercy-WHAT THE FU- *gets blown up by Jinzo*
We ride into the lead.

~{SHRT}~'s lead.
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