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The Beloved and The Hatred

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MBC-002 [b]The Beloved and The Hatred[/b] [color="#808080"]Super Rare[/color]
Image: Similar to 'Change of Heart', an half angel half demon holding two cards, one glows white while the other has a purple flame
Effect: Discard 1 LIGHT or 1 DARK monster from your hand to activate the corresponding effect:
- LIGHT: Draw 1 card. If it is a LIGHT monster, you can reveal it to draw another card.
- DARK: Randomly select 1 card in your opponents hand and discard it. If it is a DARK monster, they must discard another random card.

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Hmmmm, it's interesting.

On Light - Nothing Big - Useful for Lightsworns, but they've already got the other drawing card with discard. Bit UP'ed to me, but it can either be a -1 or a 0 in terms of hand advantage.

On Dark - Brilliant in a zombie deck, and a good counter to an exodia deck. NOT for use against Dark World Decks though. Pity that the discard is a cost for them actually, otherwise it would find another place to be.

I think that this would be better as 2 cards, but right now it's pretty strong.
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