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Medabot X (Accepting/Started)


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[spoiler='The Story!']I assume you know what a Medabot is, right? Well, just in case, I’ll tell you.

A Medarot is a robot that is comprised of a Tinpet, Parts and a Medal; the Medal gives the Medarot something rather unique: a soul. If you own a Medabot, and a Medawatch allocated to that Medabot, you are referred to as a Medafighter, and you can participate in battles known as Robattles!

Now, that’s all you need to know. Eh? Still confused?! Fine, I’ll carry on...

…You and your friends have raised enough money to buy a Medawatch, a Starter Kit, and a Medal, now you can own your own Medabot! Today is the last day of school and you’ll have a whole month off for some Robattling fun! You and your friends are going down to the store today to buy your dream Medabot…

…What do you mean that’s not enough for ya?! Looks like I’ll have to tell you one last thing…

…An evil organization has appeared in Japan, ruled by three Medafighters; they are referred to as Hunter’s Triad, and they steal Medals from every possible source so that they can eventually revive an ancient Medabot army, deep below Japan!

That’s the story, any questions? No? Good![/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Rules!']I'm pretty sure you know the drill by now...[/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Forms!']Fill out BOTH Forms, this isn’t optional!

Human Form:

Age (12-14):
Personality (2 Lines MIN):
Appearance (3 Lines MIN):
Biography (4 Lines MIN):
Medabot (One for now):

Medabot Form:

Personality (2 Lines MIN):
Appearance (Link to image or 3 Lines MIN if original):
Opinion of their Medafighter (Basically, what they think of you):

Don't forget to delete everything in brackets![/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Medafighters!']The True Ace Attorney - Sebastian and Syre
Chibi Demon Kid - Jonas and Shinzan
Dragon Duelist - Alexander and Zero
Grand★Raine - Vincent and Echo
Hydra of Legend - Amina and Spiral[/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Banned!']Empty, and it should stay that way...[/spoiler]

IC Thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/241456-medabot-x-still-accepting-in-ooc-thread/
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[quote name='TheFinalFan' timestamp='1296979451' post='4992259']
I meant a custom model [b]and/or a custom medal, as long as we don't make it overpowered.
For instance, there aren't any Cheetah Medabots out there...[/b]

[quote name='Chibi Demon Kid' timestamp='1296979585' post='4992264']
Sure, I don't see why not...

You OKed custom medals
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Name: Jonas Yumachi
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly, reckless, and rather prideful of his own abilities, Jonas would never pull out or refuse a fight! If he loses, he usually shrugs it off and says "Best out of three!" but sometimes, when he’s defeated by an opponent stronger than him, he'll become rather depressed.
Appearance: Jonas has wild blonde hair and dark blue eyes; he has two triangular birthmarks coming from the bottom of his eyes and down to his cheeks. He wears a black, open leather jacket that comes down to his waist; underneath the leather jacket is a white shirt with a large red M logo on it. He wears blue denim trousers with a black belt; the belt buckle is a Kuwaga medal his mother gave him before she passed away.
Biography: Jonas was born to a strict Father, and a very ill Mother, his unexpected arrival had caused his Mother to die only a few years later. Jonas’s Father blamed Jonas for the death of his wife and often abused him, this abuse ended when a neighbor walked in on the abuse; Jonas was sent to a Care Home and later adopted by the Yumachi family. His harsh childhood had made Jonas think he had to rely on other people, so he decided to become strong in his own way and never require help from anyone!
Medabot: Shinzan
Other: Jonas has a secret goal of finding his Father and then killing him…

Name: Shinzan
Gender: Male
Personality: Shinzan is the voice of reason to his master’s personality, often saving him from difficult situations. Shinzan is a follower of the Knight’s Code of Chivalry, and won’t battle Female Medabots, weaker Medabots, and gives all his opponents some mercy.
Appearance: http://f.hatena.ne.jp/images/fotolife/t/tundora8/20091128/20091128234425.jpg
Medal: Kuwaga
Opinion of their Medafighter: Shinzan believes Jonas to be a very foolish boy and only spends time with him during battles; Shinzan reads during his free time.
Other: For some odd reason, Shinzan has exceptional dancing skills...
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I was going to get around to doing a quick sketch of the Medabot but never did. Typical, this is the only week where I've had a lot of Maths work to do during lesson. Anyway, here's my character forms:

[spoiler=[b]Human Form[/b]]

Name: Sebastian Douglas
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Personality: The thinker type. Tends to take things slowly and think over everything properly. He isn't exactly the most likeable person, but those that know him well tend to like him, they also tend to call him Seb. He ever holds grudges and sees those sorts of things as unnecessary objects that get in the way of effectiveness and progress.

Appearance: Standing at 6 foot with shoulder-length, jet-black hair, Seb looks like a typical loner. He's typically never without his "trademark" black trench coat. Stretching down the whole length of his body, it's quite a defining piece of clothing, especially with the golden dragon emblazoned on the back. The rest of his clothes tend to be bog-standard t-shirts and jeans, in various monochrome tones. His shoes are a well polished and cared for pair of white "wingtips" with black toe caps.

Biography: Being a heavy thinker, Seb spent most of his life in solitude, rarely, if ever, socialising with others. Having a fairly typical childhood did little to change that until a few years ago when he came across a homeless man on his way home form school. The man in question was playing the guitar for the entertainment of other people. This was the first time Seb had actually heard music outside of the generic pop and he liked it. Often, he would head to where the homeless man played and would give more than most people would ever give in a life. During that time, he became good friends with the man, who called himself Gary. Unfortunately, due to an increased amount of gang activity in the area, Gary fell victim to a savage beating. Upon finding this out, Seb fell into a cesspit of rage. Taking a small pistol his father kept for "safety reasons", Seb went after the people who killed Gary and killed them. Despite their numbers, it was relatively easy, especially considering that a gun beats a knife as long as you're far away enough. Unfortunately, reality struck Seb afterwards. His rage and despicable acts wouldn't bring Gary back. Since then, he fell further into his "thinker" state of mind but began to branch out socially and gained a few other friends.

Medabot: Syre
Other: Since Gary's death, Seb's taken up playing the guitar. He plays at quite a high level and is involved in a The Strokes cover band.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=[b]Medabot Form[/b]]

Name: Syre
Gender: Female
Personality: A calm and reserved Medabot, Syre typically follows a similar behavioural pattern as Seb. Generally being mild-mannered, Syre isn't a problem to anyone else and falls in line completely with Seb.
Appearance: A Medabot sporting the typical 15th century European knight outfit. The right arm ends in a large round shield-like block that has a circular hole that fires a devastating laser. The left arm ends in a halberd-like pole-axe. The paint is a basic chrome with a slightly golden trim.
Medal: Devil
Opinion of their Medafighter: Syre looks up to and appreciates Seb. Syre protects Seb with her life.
Other: Nothing else to add...[/spoiler]
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[spoiler=Human Form]

Name: Vincent Kingston
Age (12-14): 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Vincent will have an empty smile towards the world, he tends to be social only to the most shallow of relationships before he locks-down. He thinks of the world pessimistically and only feels safe and happy around Echo. He is cautious of anyone and will engage only if necessary due to a mixture of shyness and a hate of anyone outside himself and Echo. He sees Echo as his only friend and he tends to be overprotective and compassionate towards her and treats her as a human.

Appearance : [spoiler=appearance][img]http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff473/GrandRaine/town_of_wind__by_inma-d36ffi5.jpg?t=1297580854[/img][/spoiler]

Biography: Vincent is a man of many faces he tragically lost his mother in a fire when he was a child and his father blamed him for her death. Alone he made as many connections with people as he could by creating a mastery of fake personas but inside he was always by himself. At the age of 13 he built up enough money to purchase his own metabot parts. He gave his heart and soul into finished his metabot in which he named Echo, someone who is as empty as he is so that they will never be alone.

Medabot: Echo

[spoiler=Medabot Form]

Name: Echo

Gender: Female

Personality: Echo is ignorant of the world and its ways, she tends to look up to Vincent. She gets confused by new and strange things and in a peaceful situation she is fairly docile. She treats herself as a human due to Vincents treatment and in return she would do anything for him. Vincent is threatened she intervenes. Vincent orders an attack, she follows without question. A blind trust that is symbolic of their relationship.

Appearance: Echo is based off a custom tinpit which simply as a taller more defined frame. The base of Echo is tan giving a skin-like appearance with accents of a deep blue both arm parts have a thin line of metal sleeves which provide light protection, the hands are nimble and light. The weapon is hidden from sight and are withdraw-able blades that are only fully implemented with Echos light weight body. The entirety of the body is covered in this thin metal sheeting which has the appearance of a baggy dress. Her eyes are red with small circuits barely visible.

Medal: Edge Metal (excels in light speedy attacks)

Opinion of their Medafighter: (Kind of in the personality.)
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