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-DG-'s Real Life art gallery


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[center]I'll post a few of my Real-life artwork for you guys to comment on.

Iguana Painting (Background's kind of plain, but the actual one didn't have a BG xD):

Gorilla Scratchboard (Personal favorite :) ):

Frog Multimedia:

Grapes (Modified Cross Contour - Actually got to look at this one :P ):

These were all done this year. Please comment and criticize as you feel necessary.[/center]

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I agree with the lighting part, but that's not all. Art is something that I could never grade easy on. Real life art at least. I would say your form needs work, and so does your negative and positive space when mimicking a drawing. Lack of watching for that causes disproportion, which I can see in your frog picture. You need to add more gradual value change, and not make it so high contrast, for example the shading you did on your lizard piece. Your Anti-Shading, which you did on the gorilla piece, needs more structure as well. The movement from one part of the gorilla to the next is hard to tell without actually looking at the piece for a good while. That's about it, I hope this helps. You're doing fine... But practice practice practice and you'll be great.
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