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Now Making Member Cards


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These are clean and simple. No major gimmicks. Just a clean design.


If I do make one for somebody, I need a few things:

1. username
2. Registration date
3. Avatar (Can be anything. Just make sure to crop to a symmetrical square (Equal width and height)
4. Best Known for:
5. Color: (Choose one, or go default Blue)

Anyway, this features a few simple ideas from the theme here on YCM:

1. Faded blue (You can choose a color as well)
2. Yugioh, of course
3. The glow on the edge, which I used to draw attention to the YCM logo.

Hope you like.
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[quote name='-DG-' timestamp='1296890889' post='4989136']
It's interesting, but the text should pop out with a brighter color, and the stars could use some sork. Looking good, and I'm loving my Nexus Circle in there as well ;) Glad to see somebody using it.

So we are allowed to use your circle? I never thought so

Well, I really like your Membercard, might make one,hehe

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i'd Likes.
Only because your member card is simple and subtle.
I do not like how everyone elses are over the top, and they all come out looking horrible.

1. Night Walker
2. Feb 11, 2009
3. The one im currently using plox.

And you forgot "best know for" :/

4. GFX God. ;D
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[quote name='.:Kai Hiwatari:.' timestamp='1296977567' post='4992224']
Can i have 1 please ^^ :
1. username : Kai Hiwatari
2. Registration date : 27-March 09
3. Avatar : http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/7886/experiment122.png
4. Best Known for: Custom pic and card editing
5. Color: blue please

Thanks ^^

Default or a deeper blue?
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Will do :)

I'll just be posting all of them here instead of PMing, for more critiquing ;)

All of them are finished.





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