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YMB2 5-1: Nexev vs. ragnarok1945


Round 5, Match 1  

46 members have voted

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Why do people worship Ragnarok?


I've seen his posts, and they were the exact thing people b**** about in RC nowadays.


Sure, a little bit more detail, but nothing to go "ThanksKvotingforRag" about.


From what I've seen, he did nothing to deserve the greats amount of praise he gets.


I'm hoping Rag a nice guy, I really am. If he isn't, YCM hit a new low.


Nex, I hope you get through this bud.

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I liked Ragnarok. He actualy helped me when I was newer at making cards and such. I think he's even part of the reason I came back to Yu-Gi-Oh!.

And, honestly, the other person doesn't seem like they've contributed at all in a manner I could benefit from. Ragnarok improved me in such a manner. All Nexev did was spout arrogance with a limited, nonexistent meme at the end and bad lyrics. If Ragnarok doesn't deserve the vote, neither does Nexev.



Nexev, putting somebody down who can't reply while insulting them and acting arrogant. An attitude of childishness is all it is.

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  On 2/5/2011 at 5:10 AM, Professor Layton said:

I've seen his posts, and they were the exact thing people b**** about in RC nowadays.

To some people they were, to some people, they weren't. And to those who think they were, I wouldn't say his posts were exactly about what people in RC jabronied about (not saying his posts were).

I'm hoping Rag a nice guy, I really am. If he isn't, YCM hit a new low.

He is a pretty nice guy.

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Actually, at this point, the only thing you're doing by going against my opinion (which wa against you) is making me think you're in some sort of need to win. You made those lyrics or whatever up there, stating your superiority and got pretty excited after somebody said they didn't like what you did. Honestly, I don't care. You're free to noteven reply if you don't want to, but you can't always put a good impression on everybody, unfortunately.

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I seriously suggest you try one of those. Even if it's smacking down me.


See the thing you don't get is, those are extremly fun to right.


It was mainly intended to be humorous. I know pretty little about Ragnorok but I assume he is probbaly a nice guy and maybe even smarter then me.


However I thought my rap was funny and thus I posted it.


Unfortunately that is exactly my basis for everything.

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Well, to each their own. Be egomanical if you want, it's your problem. I'm just confused as to how people could enjoy a person who puts others down who can't even defend themselves. But I'm probably blind to the poison those people see in you. If you have fun doing it, do it. But you should think from his point of view, for example. Or some bystander. Am I really going to vote for somebody so arrogant who hits defenseless people? Is the question that was invoked in myself.


Do as you wish, again. Continue making even more if you want, I'm not stopping you. What I did was provide reasoning for my vote, which most people lack when they vote. I understand why it'd get you excited, though. In this sort of thing, some people may become a bit desperate or anxious. Good luck against Ragnarok, though.

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Back when I joined YCM (a year ago yaaay) Ragnarok was the guy in RC, for right and wrong reasons. First of all, you posted your card, and Rag's post would bump your card to the top of the page. I always looked forward to his comments, because they meant a free bump for more potential posts by other users. Honestly, Rag's reviews of cards were definitely not the best, but he kept the section afloat, and often offered short follow-up comments if somebody was struggling. I guess he did tend to flood the section a bit much, though... I would often watch as my cards fell down the page and into the void, all because of Rag. I guess got on the bad side of a mod, and that's why he finally got the axe. Rag was a blessing and a curse for Realistic Cards during my time here. Still, I can't help but wonder how he'd fare against the card reviewers of today...

Hell, I sometimes wonder if Rag plays the TCG. xD


I met Nexev in Club Pikachu first, iirc. This guy is crazy, and awesome. Sure, he might seem a bit rude at times, but it's all in good fun, most of the time. He always has something witty to say, and doesn't afraid of anything. Sometimes I wonder how many different drugs he's on, and sometimes I wonder how he can win so many internets. Plus, I know him a bit better, so


nex u so weird

but u gotted my vote

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You know what, I'm actually trying go get past the Organization's old grudge against Ragnarok. I don't care if that's the case or not, but Nexev's rap really doesn't make me want to vote for him.


  On 2/5/2011 at 7:16 AM, Revolver Amethyst said:


Really? That's important and necessary why?

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