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Member card

fire dud

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Hello I would like a member card Called, we'll of course "Fire Dud"


ability: can special summon Other fire dragon types to the field(please change this 2 proper Yugioh grammar, and change it if it is tooo overpowerd)

and maybe some sort of invisibility, like once every 5 turns you can attack but not be attacked? maybe you have 2 pay life points for this effect?


Element: Fire (DUH)


Render [spoiler=render] http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9uMkAuzofkdiQOIKu5mig7231QYbCIF9NLJT0-LI9oLb0th8plQ



Attack: (I don't care just higher than 3000)


Defense: ( I d k as long as higher than 3000 make sure it is not the same as attack"


Description( uuh maybe attack straight to the oppents life points,(if this is too over powered change it) don't make it TOOOOO over powerd and use proper yugioh card grammer)


Stars I don't know (what ever suits the card, maybe 7 or 8)


please make it as good and as "PROPER" AS POSSIBLE, I will look at them all and see witch one I like the most,


Price: discussable, Not too high but I am willing to be flexable with price (again, NOT TOO HIGH)


sorry if this is confusing, I Just REALLY want a member card

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If you have a bigger version of that picture, I'll do it.

I'll do it anyway, it just won't look good with an image that size.


And you've given three effects you want. It will be far too OP to have those effects.


EDIT: Done, but with a higher quiality picture. Not exactly the same, but it's better.




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