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Go Fish!


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OK< some quite basic Fish support. A lot of them rely on discards, so this little batch helps with that and gives them some swarm and draw power.

[spoiler=Black Betta]Black Betta
1800 / 1600
When you discard a card due to the effect of a Fish-type you control, add the discarded card to your Hand during the End Phase.

Image: A Black Coloured Betta. On the top of the fish is a white tattoo in the shape of the Ace of Spades.[/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Gambling Guppy]Gambling Guppy
1600 / 1200
Once per turn, roll a 6 sided dice. If the result is equal to or below 3, draw cards equal to the result. If the result is 4 or above, discard cards equal to the result. If you activate this effect whilst you have no cards in your hand and the result is 4 or above, remove from play card from the top of your deck equal to the result *2.

Image: A standard golden Guppy. It holds a red dice in each fin.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lucky Lanternfish]Lucky Lanternfish
1700 / 1400
Once per turn, flip a coin, and activate one of the following effects:
Heads - Discard 1 card
Tails - Draw 1 card for every Fish-Type you control.

Image: A silver Lanternfish. The side facing forwards has a 10 Pence "Tails" side tattoo, the other side presumable having a "Heads" tattoo.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Highroller Herring]Highroller Herring
Once per turn you can discard a card to flip 3 coins. For every Heads, Special Summon a "Sand Dollar Token" (EARTH/Fish-Type/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0). For every Tails, take 500 damage.

Image: A golden Herring with cane and top hat, fitted in full white suit. In the hand not holding a cane, it flips a small brown sand dollar.[/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Risktaker Ray]Risktaker Ray
Once per turn, you can re-roll a dice or re-toss a coin.

Image: A large manta ray. It has a white underbelly with a red "7 7 7" tattoo, but a green furry top, rather than the usual black. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Pachinko Pufferfish]Pachinko Pufferfish
Once per turn, you can pay 100 life points and roll a 6 sided dice. Treat your opponent's Spell and Trap Card Zone as #'s 1-5, counting from your right. Destroy the card that is in the same Card Zone as the result. If the result is a 6, destroy a card in your opponents Field Spell Card Zone.

Image: A purple puffed-up pufferfish, an orange ball runs down the side, bouncing on the protuding spikes.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dealer Dogfish]Dealer Dogfish
Up to 3 times per turn, you can select 1 card you control and roll 2 dice. If the combined result is equal to or less than the selected card's level, the selected card can attack 3 times this turn. If not, negate the effect of the selected monster.

Image: A white spined shark wearing a white shirt, black trousers and Red Waistcoat, in its "hands" is a blue coated deck being shuffled.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Croupier Catfish]Croupier Catfish
All Fish-Type monsters whos effect involves a coin flip or a dice roll gain 200 ATK and DEF. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, there is no limit to the number of cards in both players' hands.

Image: A catfish wearing the EXACT same outfit as Dealer Dogfish. It is seated behing a table though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Keno Krill]Keno Krill
Discard 2 cards to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. This card cannot be used for a Synchro Summon.

Image: A swarm of purple krill. They have actually formed 80 seperate groups, and amongst the purple krill you get an erratic collection of blue ones organised to be shaped like numbers.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fish Roulette]Fish Roulette
Quick-Play Spell
Declare 2 Fish-Type cards and pick up 3 cards. Special Summon any cards with the same name as one you declared. The rest are sent to the Graveyard.

Image: 30 Face down cards forming a slightly concave circle. Rolling on them is 3 balls, each tinted blue. In the centre of this circle are Black Betta, Gambling Guppy and Lucky Lanternfish, with casino chips wildly scatterred.[/spoiler]
[Spoiler=Carp Casino]Carp Casino
Field Spell
Either player can pay 500 life points during their turn to select the result of a dice roll or a coin flip.

Image: A deflated Pachinko Pufferfish and Highroller Herring entering a giant golden Casino, with a Dealer Dogfish welcoming people. At the side of the casino is a "Promiscuous" looking Black Betta.[/spoiler]
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[quote name='Bahamut ZERO' timestamp='1296769139' post='4985394']
I kinda like these.

Not a big fan of Betta, probably abusable with something.

With Guppy, what if you don't have the cards in hand (ie gamble when your hand is empty anyway)?

Betta - Based on how a LOT of fish have discard effects (See Superancient Deep Sea Coelacanth [Sp!?!])

Gambler - Good point. How about half your deck being either sent to graveyard or removed from play, according to your opponent's wishes?
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