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My first Pokemon cards, Darkrai Added


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Hey all. I have decided to finally post a few cards in pop culture. And Pokemon was the only thing I could think of, so here are a few of what should be a little set ^_^




When this card is attacked by an opponent's monster, you may remove this card from play without applying Damage Calculation. As long as this card is removed from play, decrease your Life Points by 100 during every 1 of your Standby Phases. When your Life Points are 1000 or less, inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points during every 1 of their Standby Phses.


Ah yes, Entie, one of my favorite pokemon. Such a powerfull pokemon, and yet, can also be gentile. I love it. Plus, it's Fire, so I can't go wrong XD

I tried hard on the pic, I am just learning how to edit pics, and tht is the unnfortunant result =/

I was editing the pic I got fom another site to not look at blurry, and, well, I suck, lol



This card can only be Summoned by the effect of "Cobusken". When this card is Summond, you may destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field. Depending of the type of cards that was destroyed, actiavte the corrisponding effect: Monster - Decrease both you and your opponent's Life Points eual to half the ATK of the destroyed card. Spell - During your next turn, you cannot actiavte any Spell cards. Trap - Your opponent selects 1 monster on their side of the field. The selected card is unaffected by any Trap cards.


Well, this is by far one of my favorite starting pokemon evolutions. I simply Love this pokemon. It's right up therewith Charizard and Feraligatar.




This card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card is attacked by an opponent's monster, send this card to the Graveyard without appying damage calculation. When this card destroyes an opponent's monster by battle, decrease your Life Points equal to half the DEF of the destroyed card.


Lugia is by far my favorite pokemon besides Groudon. I simply adore this pokemon. There is nothing I won't do to get this guy XD



Inrease the ATK of this card by 100 during every 1 of your Standby Phases. Decrease the ATK of this card by 200 for every 1 of your Battle Phases that this card did not destroy an opponent's monster by battle. When this cards ATK becomes 2000 or less, this card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this cards ATK becomes 3000 or more, decrease your Life Points by 300 during every 1 of your Standby Phases.


Finaly, my favorite pokemon. Simply just the best pokemon ever made. It seems like it was made for my personality. It's a Fire monster, and the Earth god all in 1, also it is extreamly powerfull. I simply ADORE this guy. I hope I did ok on the pic, I found a better1 but it apparntly wasn't a image >_<





When this card is detroyed by battle, you can pay 500 Life Points to place this card in your Spell/Trap Zone as a equip card to the card that destroyed this card. Decrease the ATK of the equipped card by 200 every 1 of your Standby Phases. When the equipped cards ATK becomes 1000 or less, it may attack your Life Points directly. When the euipped cards ATK reaches 0, it is destroyed. When the equipped card is destroyed, decrease your Life Points equal to the amount of ATK that was decreased by this card effect.

Ah yea, the king of the sea himslef, Kyogre. If Groudon was made just for me, this one was made just to annoy me. I don't really like this pokemon, most people like it, I don't, but hey, what can I do? XD




Once per turn, when this card would be destroyed by opponent's monster, it is not destroyed (Damage Calculation is applied normally). As long as this card is in the Gaveyard, every time a monter you control is destroyed, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destoyed monster x 200 points.


Well, here is the final of the 3 main legends of Ruby/Saphire/Emerald games. He is th god of the sky, and I like him. I personally love dragons, And he looks like one, so, I gotta love him XD



FLIP: Destroy 1 monster on the field with an ATK lower that this cards DEF. When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy the monster that destroyed this card. Increase your Life Points by 100 for every turn that this card is face-up on your side of the field.


Well, this is request by God Kaze. This is his favorite pokemon. The only Fighting bug in the game. Heracross is really know for being an extreamly powerfull bug, with an ability to frustrait it's opponent's.

Hope you like the pic. I tried =/



When this card dstroyes an opponent's monster by battle, you may discard 1 card in your hand to put the destroyed card face-up on top of your opponent's Deck . Your opponent's may then discard 1 card their hand to shuffle their Deck. When your opponent draws the card, decrease his/her Life Points equal to half the ATK of the card.


And yes, my fave starter. Charizard. He is pretty much a pokemon that, when you think of a fire pokemon, you think Charizard. He is the most powefull in terms of attack of the original starters. Though, the defence is not really the great =/ Still, this is one of my faves ^_^



When an opponent's monster attacks this card, you may remove this card from play (Without applying Damge Calculation). As long as this card is removed from play, increase the ATK of all monsters on your opponent's side of the field by 200. A card with 2000 ATK or more cannot attack a long as this card is remove from play.


Well, we have Suicune. The leader or the legendary dogs. He is the lord of the water. He is a powerfull, and yet gracefull pokemon. I like it, just cool ^_^




This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Summoned, select 1 monster on the field. The selected monster is changed to Defense Position. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the selected monster cannot change its battle position except by card effects. As long as that card is in Defense Position, increase the ATK of this card by 100 during each of your Standby Phases. Pay 300 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.


Well, I think that Darkrai is probably the coolest pokemon ever made. I love this guy. pretty much the ultimate Haunter, he is just awsome. He is the master of Nightmares, and he eats dreams, hmmm, sound familiar? Drowzee and Hypno are gonna hate him XD


Than you very much fo looking ^_^


Next to come in this set:

1. Ho-oh

2. Dragonite

3. Deoxis (New mini set to this, the infected pokemon)

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