Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 ((Thanks! And I don't think I'm controlling Crystal's character, but I am just trying to hurry the story along.)) Desna drew his card, but he frowned, his luck apparently running out. [color=#FFA500]"Hmph. It appears you might win after all. I set a face-down card and end my turn."[/color] The Previous Night V nuzzled against Endymion as they proceeded into the dorm. Normally, pets were not allowed into the dorm without filling out some paperwork, but no one seemed to notice the cat in Endymion's arms. Finally, once they reached his dorm room, she jumped out of his arms and transformed back into a person. She then snapped her fingers, and the door closed itself behind Endymion and locked itself, then the windows came down and locked themselves, followed by the blinds. The overhead finally came on, and V turned back to Endymion. [color=#800080]"There. Now a little privacy."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 Juliet smiled. She'd forgotten the effect of Shining Rebirth. Praise the Reverse Lords. Perfect luck. "Well, for now I just end my turn. Have fun getting past my defense." Juliet mocked. "Which won't happen unless you happen to have an over 2000 ATK monster that can be Normal summoned in their. Otherwise..... You'll fall to the darkness that is my deck." [B]Last Night[/B] "Privacy? For exactly what reason?" Endymion's mind reeled. [i]Cat = V = Powers = Lock. Not scary, but slightly creepy. Which is scary. Which made the previous statement pointless. Oi.[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 V sat down on the bed, and motioned for Endymion to join her. [color=#800080]"Endymion, I can sense the darkness in your heart. You have a terrible secret that has deeply affected you. I do not belong in this world, so there is no reason for me to tell anyone your secrets. I went ahead and soundproofed the room, as well as cast a charm on your door that causes anyone that touches it to immediately not want to go into your room. You can't be too careful nowadays. You can tell me your secret, and I will promise you that I will keep it until the day I die, whenever that may be."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 Jackson new he couldn't take out the dragon though he then thought [i]I don't have to take out the dragon I just have to lower her life points by 2300 to win this[/i]. He had a plan just this draw made the difference. "I draw," said Jackson. He turned and looked at his card. He knew he could do this all he had to do was get the right cards on the field. "Now I summon Synchron of the Flames," he said as the machine arose. "Now I tune my Level 3 Synchron of the Flames with my Level 4 Warrior of the Dead to synchro summon Legendary Flames - The Growing Flame," the fiery beast rose on the field. "Now this cards attack is determine by the amount of Legendary Flame monsters in my Graveyard, for every one this card gains 300 attack, therefore meaning because there is 10 in the graveyard my card gains 3000 points," said Jackson. "Now attack Infernity Necromancer," said Jackson. [spoiler=Cards Used][spoiler=Legendary Flame - Synchron of the Flames]Atk/1500 Def/1500 Level 3 Tuner/Machine (Effect Unknown)[/spoiler][spoiler=Legendary Flame - The Growing Flame]Atk/1500 Def/1500 Level 7 Synchro/Effect/Pyro This card gains 300 attack points for every Legendary Flame Monster in the Graveyard[/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 [B] LAST NIGHT[/B] "......." Endymion remained momentarily silent, sitting next to V on the bed. "Well...." He began slowly. "My mother.... and father too.... Both are Twilight Invaders. After reasearching the limited information on them, I ran away." He hung his head slightly. "Whether that was a good idea or not, I'm not sure. It was a spur of the moment thing. I guess it was to defend myself. But the memory of my fathers Dark Synchro summon is bruned in my mind. Same for my mothers deck, and one card I saw their." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 V simply looked at Endymion with an expression that told him that she felt his pain, and she wrapped his arms around him, placing his head against her shoulder and stroking his back gently. [color=#800080]"It must really hurt, knowing both of your parents are evil. At least my mother was under more control when she conceived me than the last time she was a Dark Signer. She knew the risks, yet she chose to take it, and I was created. However, I do feel your loneliness. I know what it feels like to think that you are alone in this universe. I have been alone for most of my life. And I don't just mean the solitude. I mean the fact that you are one-of-a-kind, the son of not one, but two of the people who want to use ancient cards for who knows what!"[/color] She stopped stroking his back for a second and briefly turned to look at him. [color=#800080]"I am not asking you to trust me, or even befriend me, but I do ask if I can help ease the pain."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 [B]Last Night[/B] Endymion was silent again. It was a new experience. He'd just told his biggest secret to a girl he hardly knew. Even his best friends didn't know. Then again, she understood.... She understood like none of his friends would. Afterall, she was a semi-Dark Signer. He was the child of two TI. Similar. "I suppose you could help ease my pain." Endymion finally spoke. "Afterall, you understand. Unlike anyone else I know." [B]Battle[/B] "I activate my face down, Negate Attack! Sine you are a smart duelist, I shouldn't need to explain." Jackson's monster was pushed back, attack negated. Juliet smiled. God, she loved to do that. Throwing opponents aside like rag dolls. She just hoped he had something better in his deck. Otherwise the battle would be over rather quickly, with One Hundred kicking that monster away, then Mirage delivering a fatal blow. Not "death", but close. Very close. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 "Ah dam it," Jackson said as his flame monster came back to him. He knew he had to destroy as many Legendary Flame cards as possible to survive. Though his hand was empty. He only knew one thing to do. "I end my turn," said Jackson. [i]If only I could get my ace card back, or somehow send another card to the graveyard[/i] Jackson thought to himself. He just needed to think of a way to defeat the Hundred Eye Dragon. Her hand still had some cards in it so it wasn't at full power yet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 V smiled at Endymion. [color=#800080]"I hold the power to engulf this world in darkness for thousands of years inside of me. I have to be understanding when it comes to people, or else I would have done it already. Plus, someone I hold in very high regards once saved me from the darkness I hold in my body by teaching me to control what I need and seal away the rest."[/color] She absentmindedly traced a finger along her tattoos. [color=#800080]"It is simply the least that I can do to save someone else from their darkness. Now, I want to know something. Did any of your parents ever show any hint of compassion or love to you? Any at all?"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 [B]Night Before[/B] "Well.... My dad wasn't exactly friendly.... I don't think he liked me at all. Not that I'll ever know why. My mum DID like me, however. It.. kinda makes me regret leaving, when I remember mum. She was the exact opposite of dad. But she wasn't nice to any of my friends." Endymion told V. [B]Battle[/B] "Draw." Juliet drew a card. "I summon Infernity Guardian!" A strange shape appeared; A burning skull surrounded by some type of plate. "Now, Hundred Eyes Dragon, attack Jackson's monster!" The dragon gazed at her for a moment, quizically, before leaping foward, ripping his monster to shreads before being ripped up itself, due to their power levels. "Now, I see your demise. It looms over you, and it shall come.... Now. Infernity Mirage, Infernity Guardian..... End this." Both named monsters leapt foward for a direct attack that would probably know Jackson unconcious. (OOC: Is there any sudden monsters I should know about? But remember... I'm supposed to win. This MIGHT hurt a little cardmaster) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 V smiled sweetly. [color=#800080]"Good. That means we might have a chance at forgiveness."[/color] She went back to hugging Endymion tightly. [color=#800080]"I know it will be hard, but you will need to forgive your mother for running away. If she truly cares about you, then if you show her your love, she will reciprocate. Love is a very powerful weapon, stronger than any Duel Monster Card."[/color] She then asked Endymion after a period of silence. [color=#800080]"Now, what are we going to do about our sleeping arrangement? I am perfectly fine with turning into a cat and curling up with you, though anything you can think of, I will be willing to modify."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalCyae Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 [B]Night Before[/B] Endymion simply nodded. "Cat would be best. Then I would have a reason fo you to be in here if someone comes in to wake me up in the morning." His min processed what V had said. He did forgive his mother. He really did. But he didn't know where she was. She might never hear his apology for running. She might never knwo what he'd been through. [B]Battle[/B] Juliet's monsters slashed at Jackson, and his Life Points plummetted to 0000. Juliet smirked. "You're getting off lucky. You gave me sport, unlike these guys. Not to mention I have a friend who wants to kill you.... You will see him soon enough, if his schedule allows. Consider yourself lucky." And with that Juliet walked away, her monsters fading into the darkness that surrounded her on all sides. [B]Ummm.... Not Battle?[/B] Endymion had left the scene of the explosions moments ago, before the duel had started. He now wandered aimlessly, completely lost. Darkness was confusing. But he was being relatively optimistic. He thought he knew where he was. And then he came across another battlefeild, ended. He saw the shadow of Juliet leave, and squinted to catch the figure in detail. [I]She.... She looked.... familiar....[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 [b]The Night Before[/b] V agreed and her cloak enveloped her, turning her once again into a black cat. She padded over to one of Endymion's pillows and curled up on it, briefly looking at him before she put her head down and went to sleep. She then remembered something and flicked her tail, causing the shades and windows to go up, the door to unlock, and most of the safeguarding enchantments she had placed to disappear, save for a few shield spells, which she had placed in case of emergencies. [b]Now[/b] V watched the events unfolding from the trees, and she sent a wave of shadow in Juliet's direction, trying to slow her down so Endymion could catch up to her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 Lucia drew a card, intent on not being lured into a messy mistake. Desna still had a Synchro monster, and even if Boomboxen was stopping it from attacking this turn, that could change soon if he got another monster out. "I summon Morphtronic Scopen!" she said, the machine appearing with a flourish. (Lvl 3, 800/1400) (Response? If not) "I tune my level three Scopen with my level four Staplen!" she said, the Synchro animation playing. "Synchro Summon, Power Tool Dragon!" (Lvl 7, 2300/2500) "Power Tool Dragon's effect lets me add one equip Spell to my hand from my deck, chosen from three," she explained, extracting a card. Upon doing so, she smirked. "It's Mage Power. So now I activate Mage Power and equip it to my Boomboxen! Now for every Spell or Trap I control, it gains 500 ATK and DEF." (Response? If not...) "I'll switch Boomboxen to ATK position, she said. "I currently have three Spells or Traps on the field, so its ATK is 2700! And since it's in ATK position, it can attack twice a turn! Go, attack his Booster!" (Response?) LP: 4000 H: 1 M: Boomboxen (ATK: 2700), Power Tool Dragon (ATK: 2300) S/T: 2 f/d, Mage Power (on Boomboxen) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techi☺ Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 Hiro felt a familiar evil presence. He opened a portal and stepped into it. He walked along the shorter white path with ease. He watches as the Darker shapes in the back ground of the Inter-dimension, turned to more red-ish cloud-like figures. His eyes darted toward the ending portal as he scanned the vision of a tree. Hiro was confused, the only living thing in this picture is a cat. He threw his mask on and stepped through the last portal. He stood in front of a tree and looked up at the cat. "Who and what are you?" He asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaos Number: Card Master Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 Jackson's Lifeless body fell to the ground as he passed out. There was nothing left that he could do. He had lost. All weird thoughts ran through his head about what would happen next. [i]Will I die or will I live? No she said there is someone else who wants to kill me more[/i] he thought to him self as his body shut down and his thoughts left him. MEANWHILE Jason rode his duel runner up to Juliet. He continued to ride in the darkness of Duel Academy. The forest was deep. Though he needed to go get Juliet and bring her to the base. He continued to zoom away until he saw her. He stopped and put out his hand to pull her on, "so is he any good?" asked Jason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tokyo Duel Posted February 8, 2011 Report Share Posted February 8, 2011 Heero sat on the boat as Neo Duel Academy was in sight. His "withdraws" were quickly approaching. He had to duel, or at least hide. It'd been three hours since his last duel; he was barely holding on to supress his withdraws. "What am I going to do?!" Heero thought. Five minutes later, they were on Neo Duel Academy land. Heero practically jumped off the boat, running around and stretching his legs. He looked like a complete and utter idiot. He realized he was on Neo Duel Academy finally. He raised up his duel disk as if he was in war, preparing for combat. "Lets get at it Neo Duel Academy!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, running off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted February 9, 2011 Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 Desna flipped up his Trap Card, Negate Attack. [color=#FFA500]"Say bye-bye to your Battle Phase!"[/color] V jumped off of the tree branch she had been sitting on, and turned back into a human on the way down, executing a perfect landing on she hit the ground. [color=#800080]"I sense...a fog of indecision in your heart..."[/color] She told the masked man. [color=#800080]"You have much darkness in your heart, but there is a glimmer of hope for you. You are blindly loyal to your chosen cause, yet you are a champion for the weak."[/color] She chuckled a bit. [color=#800080]"You are such a paradox."[/color] A strange Duel Disk made of purple planes of energy appeared from her left arm. [color=#800080]"Now, are you an ally, or an enemy?"[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techi☺ Posted February 9, 2011 Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 Hiro was taken back when the kitty turned into a woman. He listened to her words and took a moment to think the paradox over before he decided to speak. [b]"Play your cards right, and prey that you'll never have to find out..."[/b] Hiro said through the mask. [i]"How can she understand me so easily? I don't want to be making the wrong kind of enemies here, those kids almost defeated me and they barely had power at all. She is so... different..."[/i] [b]"What are you exactly? I've never seen some one who could turn into a cat before... and such dark energy..."[/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 9, 2011 Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 Lucia growled a little in disappointment. "I end my turn," she admitted, looking at the card in her hand, her monsters already settling down after Boomboxen was repelled. She didn't have anything to equip to Power Tool Dragon, so she just had to hope on the next turn. If all had gone well, she could have been able to win. "This is your fourth turn," she reminded him blandly. She wanted to win by reducing him to 0, but if he didn't win this turn, she'd either win next turn or win by default of their wager. "So give me what you've got," she challenged. Even with the intensity of the duel so far, the fact no one had lost lifepoints was incredible. LP: 4000 H: 1 M: Boomboxen (ATK: 2700), Power Tool Dragon (ATK: 2300) S/T: 2 f/d, Mage Power Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renzoku Kira- Posted February 9, 2011 Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 Aiden started to get bored after a couple of hours just sitting around the hideout. "Man this place is boring when you are the only one around. I guess I could go for a walk not like it is going to do much damage."Aiden stated as he stood up from his seat. He proceeded to get on his duel runner, and open up the portal to the Neo Duel Academy. "Great now I have to go through this portal again. For some reason it just gives me the creeps."Aiden said knowing he was the only one that could hear it. Once he was back at the Academy he took off the Ra Yellow jacket, and stuffed it into his duel runner. Aiden pulled out his cloak, and began riding towards the beach area. As he arrived he noticed the great view of the Sun rising over the water. "What I wouldn't give to see this site every morning. “He said as he leaned back on his duel runner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted February 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 Caden helped Raize make his way back to the dorms. Once he made sure Raize was resting, he left the dorms on another walk. "It's impossible to get any sleep around here" he thought as he walked back to the harbor beside the beach. He reached the lighthouse and stared out to sea again. "It's two days into the year, and life here at the academy has already become hectic..." Caden sighed, thinking he could finally relax for a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renzoku Kira- Posted February 9, 2011 Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 As Aiden was sitting on the beach he noticed something by the lighthouse. "It looks like someone is far from their dorm. I should go, and make them feel at home here on the beach."Aiden got on his duel runner, and took off to the Lighthouse. Once he arrived at the lighthouse Aiden slowly approached the person staring at the ocean. He made sure he made no noise when walking towards the stranger. "Well it seems somebody is a little far away from the Academy. You’re going to have to pay for that."Aiden declared with a smirk as he walked towards the end of the pier. Without alarming the stranger he opened up a portal below in just a little above the water. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zextra Posted February 9, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 Caden turned his head back, glaring at the stranger. "What do you want?" he demanded coldly. "I'm in a bad mood tonight, so don't do anything stupid..." Caden stated, obviously irritated by the stranger's presence. "Now if you have no business with me, would you kindly leave me alone..." he turned back to face him. "Honestly, it's like everybody on this island is insane..." he thought, shaking his head. "Now, are you going to leave or do I have to force you?" he asked sinisterly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renzoku Kira- Posted February 9, 2011 Report Share Posted February 9, 2011 "Well I am not known for taken orders very well. Which means you will have to force me to leave."Aiden said knowing he had this person right where he wanted him. "So as it is custom on this island we will settle this with a duel. Loser has to leave this beach, and the winner can stay. I will let you go first so I can get an idea about your style of play."Aiden said as he was thinking that he has seen this duelist before, but he just couldn't figure it out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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