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Well I wouldn't say it's so overpowered that it is a 0/10. I'm going to try my best to not be biased, but it's hard not to be when it's Thor. Honestly this thing could use something like "You must tribute 3 monsters to tribute summon it" type of effect, because two alone isn't enough. The attack and defense is a bit high too. Also the note about if you tribute summon it, you get to destroy all the attack monsters, that too is a bit much. Drop that effect, add the effect to make a triple sack requirement, then I think it would be fairly nice, but I'm unsure of the attack strength, I don't think it would be too much, but I'm probably wrong.


Now if we take this not as a serious card, but as joke card, or a card that is really close to what it's based off of, totally awesome, Thor is strong enough to level a field with ease.


So the final word, 4/10 for real card, too overpowered. 10/10 if joke/true to character. Thor rules!

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