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[PG-13] Neo Duel Academy: Twilight Invaders [Started/Accepting Here/OOC]


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Double checked, you did try to have Asterisk attack, but the attack was negated, so it doesn't matter much.

No, you're not mistreating Skiel. I just love Skiel and everyone else seems to hate it/think it's weak, including the anime writers (who I swear made the treatment of Skiel a subtle running joke). So I tend to glare at RPers using Skiel even if they're not doing anything wrong.
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There's your problem.
How do you expect people to find you with no specified location? Describing where you are is important. Otherwise, it ends up with two people, one thinking they're dueling on the roof of a skyscraper, and the other thinking they're dueling on motorcycles. They get confused as to why the other used the incorrect spell, then they complain to eachother about how one got it wrong, and the other was right. Then, they both get fed up and leave, skipping over everything else.

Location is essential. No wonder you haven't been involved.
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