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Dungeon Dice Monsters Set


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[spoiler=Set]Ryu-Kishin, Fiend of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. If you control no monsters, and you have a “Summon Crest” in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.
1000 / 500

Mighty Mage, Wizard of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. Once per turn, if you have a “Magic Crest” in your Graveyard, you can pay 1000 Life Points to select and activate one of the following effects:
• Select 1 face-up Tuner monster you control. Until the End Phase, it is treated as a non-Tuner.
• Select 1 face-up non-Tuner monster you control. Until the End Phase, it is treated as a Tuner.
2400 / 2000

Blast Lizard, Gecko of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. Once per turn, if you have an “Attack Crest” in your Graveyard, you can select and activate one of the following effects:
• Destroy and remove from play 1 face-down monster your opponent controls.
• Destroy and remove from play 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with the lowest ATK.
800 / 1400

Gator Dragon, Invader of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent, it gains 200 ATK. If you have an “Attack Crest” and a “Movement Crest” in your Graveyard, this card can attack your opponent directly.
1850 / 1500

Yaranzo, Treasure of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. While this card is in Defense Position and you have a “Defense Crest” in your Graveyard, it cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card is flipped face-up, you can add 1 “Warp Vortex” or “Monster Cannon” from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.
1300 / 1500

Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. Once per turn, during your opponent’s Standby Phase, if you have a “Trap Crest” and a “Defense Crest” in your Graveyard, you can select one face-up monster your opponent controls. Its ATK becomes 0 until the End Phase and must declare an attack this turn.
1400 / 1200

Thunder Ball, Destroyer of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. If you have a “Magic Crest”, a “Movement Crest”, and an “Attack Crest” in your Graveyard, you can destroy all cards your opponent controls in this card’s column.
0 / 0

Knight of Twin Swords, Marauder of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack twice during each Battle Phase if you have an “Attack Crest in your Graveyard. When this card is selected as an attack target while you have a “Defense Crest” in your Graveyard, you can switch this Attack Position card to Defense Position and have it gain 1000 DEF, until the End Phase.
2200 / 2000

Battle Ox, Warbeast of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. While you have a “Summon Crest” in your Graveyard, your opponent cannot Summon Warrior-Type monsters. While you have an “Attack Crest” in your Graveyard, if this card battles a Warrior-Type monster, it gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation
1700 / 1000

Strike Ninja, Assailant of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. While you have a “Movement Crest” in your Graveyard, this card can attack your opponent directly. When this card would be destroyed, if you have a “Trap Crest” in your Graveyard, you can remove this card from play. During your next Standby Phase, Special Summon it in Attack Position.
1700 / 1200

Orgoth the Relentless, Commander of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. While you have an “Attack Crest” in your Graveyard, this card gains 1500 ATK. While you have a “Defense Crest” in your Graveyard, this card gains 1500 DEF. Once per duel, by paying 2000 Life Points and removing 2 other cards you control from play, you can increase its ATK equal to its DEF, and then make its DEF 0.
2500 / 2450

Dark Magician, Master of the Dice
If you control another “of the Dice” monster with higher ATK, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except when the number of “of the Dice” monsters in your Graveyard is equal to the number of “Crest” cards in your Graveyard. This card gains the following effects, according to what cards are in your Graveyard:
• “Movement Crest”: All “of the Dice” monsters you control can attack your opponent directly.
• “Summon Crest”: Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 “of the Dice” monster from your hand or Graveyard.
• “Attack Crest”: If an “of the Dice” monster you control declares a monster your opponent controls as an attack target, destroy the opponent’s monster without applying Damage Calculation.
• “Defense Crest”: All “of the Dice” monsters you control cannot be destroyed, and you take no damage from battles involving them.
• “Magic Crest”: Once per turn, by Tributing 1 “of the Dice” monster, you can take control of 1 monster your opponent controls.
• “Trap Crest”: Your opponent must pay 500 Life Points per card to Normal Summon, Special Summon, Set, or activate cards from his/her hand.
2500 / 2100

Summon Crest
Normal Spell
Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand. During your Standby Phase, you can send this card from your Deck to the Graveyard (this effect cannot be activated if a “Crest” card was sent to the Graveyard this turn).

Movement Crest
Normal Spell
Select one monster you control to have it be able to attack directly this turn. During your Standby Phase, you can send this card from your Deck to the Graveyard (this effect cannot be activated if a “Crest” card was sent to the Graveyard this turn).

Attack Crest
Quick-Play Spell
Select one monster you control and have it gain 500 ATK, until the End Phase. During your Standby Phase, you can send this card from your Deck to the Graveyard (this effect cannot be activated if a “Crest” card was sent to the Graveyard this turn).

Defense Crest
Quick-Play Spell
Select one monster you control and have it gain 1000 DEF, until the End Phase. During your Standby Phase, you can send this card from your Deck to the Graveyard (this effect cannot be activated if a “Crest” card was sent to the Graveyard this turn).

Magic Crest
Normal Spell
You can add 1 “Crest” card from your Graveyard to your hand. During your Standby Phase, you can send this card from your Deck to the Graveyard (this effect cannot be activated if a “Crest” card was sent to the Graveyard this turn).

Trap Crest
Normal Trap
Return 1 card your opponent controls to the hand. During your Standby Phase, you can send this card from your Deck to the Graveyard (this effect cannot be activated if a “Crest” card was sent to the Graveyard this turn).

Warp Vortex
Continuous Spell
If you control 2 face-up “Warp Vortex”s, all monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. During your End Phase, if you control 2 face-up “Warp Vortex”s, destroy all cards in your Spell & Trap Card Zones.

Monster Cannon
Equip Spell
If the equipped monster is the only monster you control, it gains 1500 ATK. You can Tribute the equipped monster to destroy and remove from play 1 card your opponent controls, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the original ATK of the Tributed monster.

Dimension the Dice!
Normal Spell
If you have 6 different “Crest” cards in your Graveyard, Special Summon 1 “of the Dice” monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. Then, roll a six-sided die. The Summoned monster gains ATK equal to the value of the roll x300, until the End Phase.

Dice Dungeon
Field Spell
During your Draw Phase, instead of drawing, you can add 1 “Dimension the Dice!” from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, you can discard any number of cards from your hand to send the same number of “Crest” cards from your Deck to the Graveyard. Once per turn, if your opponent controls 2 or more cards than you do, you can select 1 “Crest” card in your Graveyard and add 1 “of the Dice” monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand whose text contains the name of the selected “Crest” card.[/spoiler]
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