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[spoiler="TheFinalFan – Iris (Ninjask)]Name: Iris (kept her pet name)


Estimated Age: 4 years


Original Species: Burmese Cat


Pokémon Species: Ninjask


Appearance: Normally, Iris has a golden helmet-like growth on her head, leaving room for her ears and eyes, that also has a pair of mandible-like protrusions. She also has a set of insectoid arms attached to her shoulders that are about as long as her forelegs. She can use the claws on the ends to add some extra scratching power to her attacks. However, whenever her heart rate reaches a certain level, usually when she is scared or going fast, a special biomechanical trigger activates. Subdermal exoskeletal plates underneath her skin pop out (painlessly) and cover her body within miliseconds, encasing her within. Her "speed form" still has a feline shape, but is covered in smooth black chitinous plates with grey plates underneath, making her body streamlined and much more aerodynamic without all of her fluffy fur. Her insectoid arms fold back against her body, and strange vestigial red and white wing-like blades erupt along her spine between her shoulder blades and her pelvis. These blades can be used for attacking her enemies, but they also act like the spoiler on a car, giving her an added boost. Her "helmet" also pops out black and grey plates that encase her head and cover her eyes in red goggle-like lenses. Special vents in the "mask" allow her to breathe without getting bugs or anything else inside. Her tail also gains a set of smaller wing-like blades at the end, and since the fur is underneath the plates, her tail can act like a mace in combat. This "speed form" can retract back into her body a few seconds after her heart rate has gone back down.


Personality: Iris is, obviously, a cat. She is very fickle and can change her mind on a whim. Plus, any promises she makes probably cannot be held up. She acts tough, but she is actually rather depressed ever since she ran away. Her entire life has been shattered due to her transformation, and her only desire is to find her way home to her loving family. If she can be comforted about her situation, she might be more willing to help out.

Iris sees her abilities as a curse, since they are what caused her to accidentally run away from her home. She is scared of dogs, especially Prototyped ones, but she is even more scared of water, since her denser body has lost a lot of its natural buoyancy. Paradoxically, she absolutely loves fish, and occasionally raids fisheries for their delicious raw catches. She is a tad bit vain, especially since one of her habits/hobbies is grooming herself, especially after a transformation, when her fur gets all disheveled from the plates covering her fur. However, she loves a good petting, which will earn the petter brownie points in her eyes.


History: Iris has spent a relatively sheltered life as a housecat, and she has enjoyed her lazy days of lounging around, getting some sun, being petted and fed yummy tuna from a can. Her family loved her, and she loved her family, and everything was perfectly fine...until she was Prototyped. The sensations caused her to try to run away in fear, and then her heart rate hit the requirement needed for the "speed form" to activate, sending her catapulting through the door into the streets. She kept running and running, until she could run no more, and she found herself lost. She has no idea where she is in the big city, and she mainly wants to get back to her family. She only remembers vaguely where their house is, since she has never been outside in a while, and is apprehensive about acquiring allies due to a mishap involving a pack of wild Prototyped dogs that tried to eat her.

Since then, Iris has been looking around for her home. She primarily sticks around the wharfs, stealing fish from the few fisheries left in the city. Her glamour, which projects her as a normal cat, is rather useful in this task, and she is aware that humans still see her normally. She will resist any effort to be recaptured, especially after her collar was destroyed in her first transformation into "speed form". She still sees herself as a pet, and hopes that, once she gets home, everything will go back to normal.


Adaptations: Iris, in her "speed form", can attain speeds of up to 100 miles an hour, allowing her to outrace her sub-Saharan cousins. Her adrenaline-producing glands also go into overdrive when she transforms, helping to slow the world down around her so she can concentrate. Her bones have been heavily reinforced, and her excess fat has been replaced with muscles. Her lungs can handle the decrease in oxygen in her "speed form", and her heart is much more powerful. However, her metabolism is exponentially higher, needing to eat an entire meal every time after she goes into her "speed form". However, her armor, while offering some physical protection, provides no relief from intense heat, cold or an electrical shock, and it may look solid, but it is actually riddled with weak points, mainly around the joints, and it can be pierced or cracked using a very solid weapon, like a sledgehammer or a drill.


Ability: Speed Boost - Iris' "speed form" is the physical representation of her ability, giving her a much speedier form. She can only use two moves with each form, one movee being exclusive to her normal form, and one move too fast for her usual form.


Moves: Slash (Normal/Speed) - Iris can swipe at her opponents with either her regular claws or her insectoid forearms. In her "speed form", she uses her wing-blades to execute this maneuver.


Fury Cutter (Normal) - Iris slashes at her opponent, getting more and more accurate and more and more deadly with each attack.


U-Turn (Speed) - A sudden 180-degree turn while slicing her foes as she does so. It is tricky for her to pull off, especially if she is going too fast, so she will only use this move if she has to.



I hope this works.

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Iris - Very nice, but the only problem is that Ninjask can't learn ExtremeSpeed. PENDING.


Zorax - It's "feral," not "ferial." Also, in the personality, your definition of what he thinks is fun is rather confusing: try stating it with more direct language. Finally, I don't see how being a Zoroark connotes speed. Mind explaining that a bit more? PENDING.

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That would be good, yeah. I wanted to do something with a Fennec Fox, and I was going to do Koffing, but I couldn't really think of enough adaptations to do it.


I think I might try something with a Fennec Fox and Camerupt. I want to do a Fennec Fox. They have long ears. Long ears are cool.

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Hmm...what is your favorite Pokemon that is totally not like a Fennec Fox?

You see, I like Bug Pokemon, and I like cats. If I had a dream housecat, it would be a Burmese. Something that is not like a housecat is Ninjask, which is super-speedy. Things kinda fell into place after that.

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Zorax - It's "feral," not "ferial." Also, in the personality, your definition of what he thinks is fun is rather confusing: try stating it with more direct language. Finally, I don't see how being a Zoroark connotes speed. Mind explaining that a bit more? PENDING.


My bad on spelling.

Idk how to really make it more direct. He enjoys causing bad situations, even though he himself doesn't enjoy them himself.

As for speed, I just figured that a prototyped cat, especially with one kind of like a fox, would be faster than normal. I can take that out if you really want.

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I might fix my app today... got something going... how different are the animal/Pokemon allowed to be? No limit?


If there's no limit, then my updated app should be fine. If there is, and I have to completely redo it... well...

Edited by Phoenix19
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Sorry for the delay, everyone - New England's been hit by a massive blizzard over the last two days, so I've been rather busy juggling homework and keeping the house operational.


On that note, I should have my app and the IC thread up in a couple of hours.


@Phoenix: Just post it when you're done, and I'll judge. ;D

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