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高貴なの十字軍 [OOC/PG-16/Not Started/Accepting]


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[center]In hunger, feed your god.
In war, protect your god.
In death, serve your god.
Obey your god, always.
- 6:13, Will of the Gods[/center]

Approximately 6000 years ago beings, known as gods, descended from the heavens. They gave human culture, and in return human obeyed them. This kept on for 4000 years, untill men from the middle-east lost faith in their gods. They started to worship a god not seen. Of course the gods were angry, but the unknown god's worshippers rebelled, and the gods were chased from this earth.

But what if the rebels were defeated?

The year is 6437 after the god's arrival. The rebellion 2000 years ago was succesfully defeated, and man continued to obey their masters, the gods. But peace wuld not last long. Like in all times, even in these times blessed by gods, there are troublemakers, or maybe saviors? That depends on what you believe in.

Aten's Blade is a terrorist group of extremists who believe that the gods are evil, or selfish, parasites who takes advantage of the weak mind of humans for their own gains, and they claim that themselves have been released from the curse of the weak mind by Aten, "the Master God".

At the same time, the bond that the gods share with eachother are starting to break, and civil war has begun. And to make matters worse the alien race, the Banshees, are approaching earth.

With the help of the Gods' technology humanity was able to find their own divinity, with the help of the mechs. Mechs may look like giant robots, but they are in fact a "Godly Shell" for the human connected with it. A human cannot use another humans mech, unless the two share a special bond, and therefore mechs are unique to all humans who use them.

Gods are unable to use Mechs, but they have other ways to convince their foes...[/spoiler]

There are two factions in this RP.

[u][b]The Great Pantheon[/b][/u]
Those who serve their god will do anything to defend his or her honor and life. While the gods are starting to fight with eachoher, they still know that they must work together to defeat the Banshees and the terrorists.

[u][b]Aten's Blades[/b][/u]
A group of terrorists. They believe themselves to have been blessed by Aten, the Master God, and is thus released from the chains hat bind human to god. They want to destroy the gods to spread their religion across the globe, but they do understand that if the conquest of the Banshees is successfull there won't be anythone to teach.[/spoiler]
[b]Loyalty:[/b] (If the Great Pantheon, state which God you worship)
[b]Weapon:[/b] (This is the weapon used outside of your Mech. Can be pretty much anything)

[b]Mech Name:[/b]
[b]Mech Appearance:[/b]
[b]Mech Weapons:[/b][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rules]You should know the drill.[/spoiler]
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Name: Fenton Timur
Gender: M
Loyalty: Aten's Blade
Biography: Fenton's parents were both killed in an argument over which Gods are better that they weren't even involved in when he was 16. He didn't care about the Gods at all to begin with. When his friends would talk about which God they worshipped he would always say none of them deserved worshipping, often getting attacked right after. But Fenton was strong, living on his own and fending for himself, and easily beat up whoever tried to attack him using his superior speed and strength. When he was 20 he joined the terrorist group Aten's blade. Although he believes in Aten very strongly, he states that he would not sacrifice his life for the God, but rather he would do it for the group. Aten right now, at 23, is one of the group's strongest soldiers and has a strong determination to obliterate the Gods that have been manipulating humans into becoming insane idiots and to avenge the death of his parents.
[spoiler='Appearance']Appearance: [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/2u7ab1j.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Weapon: P76-Pistol (Shoots like a Python, but it is bigger than one) [custom]
Mech Name: Slashdagger
[spoiler='Mech Appearance']Mech Appearance: [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/ip5hlu.jpg[/IMG] [/spoiler]
Mech Weapons: Shield Gun (As seen in image has rifle under the shield). Slash Piercer locker (Wolverine style weapon located on left forearm) Two Beam Sabers (located on left hip) Head Shooter (Can shoot shots out of the sides of the Mechs heads).
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[font="Century Gothic"][center][size="1"][b]Name:[/b] Daidalos
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Loyalty:[/b] Great Pantheon (Hermes)
[b]Biography:[/b] As his name implies, Daidalos is as cunning as it gets. He uses his looks and smarts to get him out of harm's way, and is very persausive. He once stole from the most secure bank in Greece, and got away with it. Police were bewiled by this, and eventually had to call the case cold. Hermes saw the potential in Daidalos, and asked him to serve him. Daidalos obliged.
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e79/Stadsford/anime_guy.jpg"]Daidalos[/url]
[b]Weapon:[/b] x2 [url="http://www.andreas.blicher.info/images/Curved_Dagger.jpg"]Herme's Daggers[/url] (carries both in a special pocket in his boots)

[b]Mech Name:[/b] Herme's Guidance
[b]Mech Appearance[/b]: [url="http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/7ac9433647.gif"]Herme's Guidance[/url][url="[img]
[b]Mech Weapons:[/b]75mm automatic multi-barrel x 2
Beam saber x 2
Beam rifle
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Okay, I'll drop in a character serving the Gods.

Sorry it took so long n_n'

[b]Name:[/b] Gerald Dunn
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Loyalty: [/b] Thor
[spoiler=[b]Biography:[/b]]Gerald was born into a family devoted to the Norse god of thunder, Thor and as such he grew into the devotion to this god as well. Everything he did was done to gain the favor of Thor and prove himself worthy. Eventually he managed to do exactly that and was soon chosen as a Mecha pilot for those serving the Great Pantheon. He soon proved himself to have tastes peculiar for one devoted to Thor, preferring a Mecha with a primary weapon as a Lance rather than hammer or axe, but remaining in favor with his god as he proved to be a merciless fighter who often brought his Mecha back held together by only the tiniest pieces of scorched metal and expected the engineers to repair it. As such, he was soon entrusted with a mighty technological innovation modeled after the power of his god, both as his personal weapon and as a weapon on his Gundam.[/spoiler]
Thunder Pipe- A small hand-gun type weapon which fires a high-voltage electrical shot out in a form that seems to be akin to a miniature bolt of lightning. The shot is capable of penetrating most forms of armor and can still cause great damage via electrocution even from a mere glancing blow.

[b]Mech Name:[/b] Thunder Lance
[spoiler=[b]Mech Appearance:[/b]][IMG]http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w339/Kiokama/Vehicles/lancemecha.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=[b]Mech Weapons: [/b]]
Combi-lance: The mighty weapon which the mecha is shown wielding in the image of it provided. In combat, this weapon is surrounded by a coating of high-energy particles allowing it to thrust cleanly through most forms of armor that are presently used on Mechas. At the same time, the elongated handle and sword-like structure of the weapon allows for it to be wielded as a claymore by gripping the hilt with both hands.

Magnetic Shield: That which is shown on the right arm of the Mecha in the provided image, it is typically wielded on the left arm and the lance in the right hand. The shield projects a repulsive magnetic field about itself, allowing it to be used as a defense against most ranged attacks and melee weapons. This is also quite effective at simply bashing the enemy in close combat.

Chain Blade: The small backwards-facing blade on the end of the Lance. This can be detached from the lance and is shown to be held in place by a high tensile strength chain which cannot be easily broken. The weapon can either be spun and thrown like the weight on the end of a Kusari-Gama, or sent hurtling off the back end of the lance by a high-powered rocked hidden within it.

Cumulonimbus: The large forward projection from between the Mecha's legs which appears to be a sort of metallic phallic symbol. This is in fact a high-powered miniature rail gun capable of sending out a projectile at several times the speed of sound. This weapon has a relatively slow reload time, but the sheer force of the projectile fired by it is more than enough to excuse that much. The projectile will often rip itself apart on impact, sending several shards of metal flying out at super-sonic speeds which are still pleanty lethal. Because of it's slow reload time, it is most useful as an opener for surprise attack.[/spoiler]
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One question: How do Mechs factor into the RP? They are not mentioned in the RP at all.

[b]Name:[/b] Alyx Rjadottir

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Loyalty:[/b] Loki, the Trickster God

[b]Biography:[/b] Alyx was born with a silver spoon. The only child of the Rjadottir household, a upscale family with wealth borne from lifetimes of service to Freyja, one of the great Norse goddesses, whose godhood included fertility and wealth. However, Alyx was born with a independence streak only matched by her mischievousness, and early in her life she established herself as a rebel- perhaps it was the fact that when she was 4 she trapped a under-servant in a hunting pit. One of most decisive moments in Alyx's life was when she stumbled upon a moss-ridden shrine in the middle of the woods. It was a shrine...a shrine to the Trickster God, Loki. She read all about Loki in books contained within the shrine, and found herself identifying with Loki, and, well, on that day...Loki gained a new servant that day. One of his greatest worshipers to date...

Only 3 years after this incidence- when she was 12- Alyx ran away from home. As said, Alyx was an enormously independent, and so it took Loki little effort to convince her to run away from her controlling parents. He wanted the girl free to do his bidding, and for 6 years, obeyed her god faithfully. Now 18 and prepared, she is ready to get directly involved in the conflict- on which side, she doesn't know- and Loki, grateful for her service, has obliged her.

[b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, slim, and with a curvaceous body, Alyx could be a model- except for her smirking expression, which immediately replaces onlookers awe with the idea that she is up to no good. Alyx's hair is a vibrant red, which falls down her back, curling gently until it ends at the middle of her back. Alyx has also become tightly muscled- but this has come with a price. Gaining these muscles meant hard work, which is now displayed predominantly on her ankles and wrists in the form of bruises and cuts. Alyx tends to dress in man's clothes, which, unlike what Hollywood would like you to believe, does not really look that good. Oh, she can be feminine when she wants to, but most of the time Alyx is happy wearing a man's tunic.

[b]Weapon:[/b] A pair of bladed chakrams. At first, they just seem like small, strange metal wheels Alyx keeps on her belt. However, the wheels are actually hollow on the inside, and in this secret opening are spring-loaded blades, which, by twisting the handle, will make the blades come out. This makes the weapons good for both throwing and close combat.

[b]Mech Name:[/b] Fool's Chance

[spoiler=[b]Mech Appearance:[/b]] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/276/3/2/A_I__Submit_2____Mecha_Attack_by_LorBot.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

[b]Mech Weapons:[/b] Befitting Alyx's personality, the Fool's Chance doesn't [i]seem[/i] to have much weaponry- actually little more than the plasma cannon (can fire shots of explosive plasma- think grenade launcher, but for Mechs) mounted on it's back. However, for this bot, what's on the inside is what counts...

Shock Treatment- By pressing a button on her console, the Fool's Chance will create a field of electrically charged particles around the Mech, will will shock anyone within close distance of the Fool's Chance. This capability can also be used to negate any mechanical items within distance (i.e. Mechs, missiles, etc.) However, the Shock Treatment uses a bunch of energy and using this ability in quick succession will usually overheat the Fool's Chance, rendering it immovable- and vulnerable- for a couple minutes.

Pulse Wave- The purplish-glowing device on the Fool's Chance can emit a blast of harmful pulse energy. This is one of Alyx's most simple devices- It is little more than a gun, but with the added benefit of being able to charge the blast and make it stronger- however, the stronger the blast, the longer the reload time.

Dragon Fly- The small wing-like contraptions on the Fool's Chance's shoulders can extend in length and form rocket jets, creating a usable jetpack for Alyx to use.

Projection- The second device on the Fool's Chance's back- the red one above the Plasma Cannon- is actually a hi-def projection device that can create a three-dimensional image of the Fool's Chance- a useful little device that can be used to trick enemies. However, the projection is little more than a hologram and once the enemy attacks the Projection, they will immediately be able to tell they are being tricked.
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