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{Req} Avi Paying beween 1-150 Points for Quality

Heavens Guardian

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There i hope thats good enough for you LRL :lol: And ill be charging 20 pts. for both.
Also, if you would like me to change anything at all just say so, kk?

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My attempt...

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No offense but I did not understand. You gave me 50 pts. which great. But i dont get this...

[quote]I would also like a bigger one of them as well iHave a Plan and i want them and i will double the pay[/quote]

And this..

[quote]U guys did almost the same thing others why it would be higher[/quote]

So do i have to make them bigger, you know the max. size for avis is 100x100 sooo.. :/
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Bit off, since the render needed to be bigger, and I didn't want to make it too LQ.
But yes, this is extra.

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Here's my try at this.

[Spoiler=500x500 (if needed)]

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