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Status Update Army


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It's a hellhole. Spam and lawlessness around every corner. The Status Bar is thought to be the bowels of YCM to some. But there is hope. Not all of us are noobs with no knowledge whatsoever. So on this day of 1/23/11, I create the Status Update Army. Aimed to stop all spammers of the status bar.

Is it trolling? No. It is not.

Well maybe. But it's not intentional. It's meant to be effective.

[b]General discussion is allowed by the C&O rules, so it is allowed here.[/b]

Members will be expected to frequent the status bar and post no spam.

Status Update General(s): Smesh

Lieutenant General(s) (Mods of the club):

Colonel(s) (normal members):

Privates (new members):

If you would like to join, just start posting.
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I have not seen any reports in regards to any status spamming. (And I do get reports if you do it right. As in, reporting their profile.)

Perhaps I disagree with your idea of what "spamming" in the status area is. Someone posting two things 5 minutes apart doesn't seem like spam to me, but... once again, that's just my opinion.

Also, the fact that status updates are... updated, as the day goes by. If you post "this guy spammed in his status", that's not a particularly helpful update. When you report... just about anything, your best bet is to include the most amount of details you can. Time, place, a url, a screenshot. We can't moderate someone if we don't know what they're doing or why they should get modded.

On a completely unrelated note, feel free to hit up [url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/237204-sugg-can-we-get-a-mod-ruling-on-status-bar-spamming/]this topic[/url] if you want to contribute your thoughts onto what should be considered spam or something.
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