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Kirby's Glossary of Common Card Abbreviations

Sweetie Belle

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I personally thought this might go in TCG, but Pika said no. So here it is:
[b]-------COMMON CARD ABBREVIATIONS-------[/b]

Allure - Allure of Darkness
ALO - A Legendary Ocean
AMA - Assault Mode Activate

BESD - Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
BEUD - Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
BEWD - Blue Eyes White Dragon
BfaDD - Burial from a Different Dimension
BoM - Book of Moon
BRD - Black Rose Dragon
BTH - Bottomless Trap Hole

Catas - Malevolent Catastrophe
CyDra - Cyber Dragon
CED - Chaos Emperor Dragon, Envoy of the End; Compulsory Evacuation Device; Cyber-End Dragon
CCV - Crush Card Virus
Chimera - Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
CoSR - Card of Safe Return
CotH - Call of the Haunted
CTD - Cyber Twin Dragon

DAD - Dark Armed Dragon
DCK - Doom Caliber Knight
DD - Destiny Draw; (Destiny Hero) Diamond Dude
D-Draw - Destiny Draw
DDV - Deck Devastation Virus
DDWL - D.D. Warrior Lady
DED - Dark End Dragon; Destiny End Dragon
DM - Dark Magician
DMG - Dark Magician Girl
DMK - Dragon Master Knight
DMOC - Dark Magician of Chaos
Dup - Machine Duplication
DWD - Dark World Dealings
DWL - Dark World Lightning

Econ - Enemy Controller
EEV - Eradicator Epidemic Virus

FDP - Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
FGD - Five God Dragon (Five-Headed Dragon)

GB - Gravity Bind
GoO - Guardian of Order
Gorz - Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
Goyo - Goyo Guardian
GZ - Goblin Zombie

IRS - Inferno Reckless Summon

JD - Judgment Dragon

LADD - Light and Darkness Dragon
LED - Light End Dragon
LIM - Light-Imprisoning Mirror
LLAB - Level Limit - Area B
LV - Lightning Vortex

Macro - Macro Cosmos
MalCat/MC - Malevolent Catastrophe
MF - Mirror Force
MoF - Magician of Faith
MoG - Morray of Greed
MST - Mystical Space Typhoon
MBaaS - My Body as a Shield

NoC - Nobleman of Crossout

Overdragon - Chimeratech Overdragon

PMD - Prime Material Dragon
Poly - Polymerization
PoA - Pot of Avarice
PoC - Phantom of Chaos
PSZ - Plaguespeader Zombie
PWWB - Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

RD - Rainbow Dragon
RDA - Red Dragon Archfiend
REBD - Red-Eyes Black Dragon
REDMD - Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
RDD - Rainbow Dark Dragon
RftDD - Return from the Different Dimension
RoD - Ring of Destruction
RoTA - Reinforcement of the Army

Sak - Sakuretsu Armor
SD - Skill Drain; Stardust Dragon
SDAM - Stadust Dragon /Assault Mode
SDD - Stardust Dragon
SIM - Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
SJ - Solemn Judgment
Sorc - Chaos Sorceror
SoRL - Swords of Revealing Light

TOR - Thousand-Eyes Restrict
TRA - Thought Ruler Archfiend
TT - Torrential Tribute
TTP - The Transmigration Prophecy

WMC - Wave Motion Cannon

[b]-------GAMING TERMS-------[/b]

AF - Arcana Force
AM - Assault Mode
AOJ - Ally of Justice
ATK - Attack; Attack Position; Attack Points

Backrow - refers to the cards in the Spell and Trap Cards zone
B.E.S. - Bacterium Empire Ship
Beatdown - a strategy that aims to overwhelm the opponent with the use of high ATK monsters.
Beatstick - a Monster Card that is mostly used for the purpose of attacking
BKSS - Because Konami Said So
B-Man/Men - Batteryman/men
Break - to destroy a Spell or Trap Card with the use of "Breaker, the Magical Warrior"'s effect
BW/BF - Blackwing/Black Feather

CB - Crystal Beast
Contact Fusion - to execute a Fusion Summon by returning the Fusion Materials from the field to the Deck

DD - Different Dimension
DM - Duel Monsters
DW - Dark World

Eff - (Monster) Effect

f/d - facedown
Flavour Text - the card text written on a Normal Monster Card
FTK - First Turn Kill - a victory acquired in a player's first turn
f/u - faceup

Game - a term that describes the conclusion of a duel; a winning move
Gemini Summon - To Normal Summon a Gemini Monster in order to gain its effect
GB - Gladiator Beast
GK - Gravekeeper

LP - Life Points
LS - Lightsworn

Mill - To send card(s) from the top of a player's deck to the Graveyard.

Nomi - refers to a monster that cannot be Normal summoned or Set, and cannot be Special Summoned except by doing/fulfilling a certain requirement.
Nuke - to destroy all cards on the field

OCG - Original Card Game
Overkill - an overexertion of a victory condition

Pierce/Trample - To inflict battle damage when attacking a monster in Defense Position with a higher attack than the defending monster's DEF

RFG - Remove From Grave/Game; Remove From Play

Sacred Beasts - refers to these 3 cards: Uria, Lord of Searing Flames; Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder; and Raviel, Lord of Phantasms
Scoop - to forfeit a duel; surrender
SR - Super Rare
ScR - Secret Rare
SD - Structure Deck
Semi-Nomi - refers to a monster that cannot be Normal summoned or Set, and can only be Special Summoned after doing/fulfilling a certain requirement.
SJ - Shonen Jump
Spin - To return a card(s) to the top of a player's deck
SS - Special Summon; Six Samurai
Staple - a card that is considered a necessity in every deck
Swarm - to overwhelm the opponent by summoning monsters rapidly
Synchro - a Synchro Monster; to synchro summon a synchro monster

Tag - to Special Summon Gladiator Beast monster with the effect of another one
TCG - Trading Card Game
Toolbox - refers to a Deck where monsters can be searched to fit a specific situation
Twilight - usually refers to a deck composed of LIGHT and DARK monsters

UR - Ultra Rare
UtR - Ultimate Rare

Vanilla - Normal Monster Cards

YGOTAS - Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series


AoC - Any Other Cards
ATM - At the Moment

Ban Hammer - to ban a user
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By the Way

CC - Custom Cards/Card Contests

FTW - For the Win

GFX - The Showcase forum/to edit/create a graphic
GTFO - Get the F*** Out

HF - Have Fun

inb4... - In Before ..., used to predict something that will happen
IRL - In Real Life
ITT - In This Topic

LM(F)AO - Laughing my (F*****g) ass off
LOL - Laugh out Loud

OT - Off Topic

RC - Realistic Cards
ROFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing
RP - Role-Playing

STFU - Shut the F*** Up

WB - Welcome Back

YCM - Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker
YN - Yu-Gi-Oh! Network
YVD - Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Desktop (game system)

[b]-------CARD SETS-------[/b]

5DS# - 5D's Starter Deck #

ABPF - Absolute Powerforce
ANPR - Ancient Prophecies
AST - Ancient Sanctuary

CDIP - Cyber Dark Impact
CMC - Capsule Monster Colosseum
CRMS - Crimson Crisis
CRV - Cybernetic Revolution
CT# - Collectible Tin Series #

DCR - Dark Crisis
DOD _ Dawn of Destiny
DOR - Duelist of the Roses
DP# - Duelist Pack #
DREV - Duelist Revolution

EEN - Elemental Energy
EDS - Eternal Duelist's Soul
EOJ - Enemy of Justice
EP# - Exclusive Pack #

FET - Flaming Eternity
FOTB - Force of the Breaker

GLAS - Gladiator's Assault

HA# - Hidden Arsenal #

IOC - Invasion of Chaos

JUMP - Shonen Jump Magazine Promo

LOB - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
LOD - Legacy of Darkness
LODT - Light of Destruction
LON - Labyrinth of Nightmare

MC# - Master Collection #
MF# - Mattel Action Figure Series #
MFC - Magician's Force
MP# - McDonald's Promo #
MRD - Metal Raiders
MRL/SRL - Magic Ruler/Spell Ruler

PGD - Pharaonic Guardian
POTD - Power of the Duelist
PP# - Premium Pack #
PSV - Pharaoh's Servant
PTDN - Phantom Darkness

RDS - Rise of Destiny
RGBT - Raging Battle
ROD - Reshef of Destruction

SD1 - Dragon's Roar Structure Deck
SD2 - Zombie Madness Structure Deck
SD3 - Blaze of Destruction Structure Deck
SD4 - Fury From The Deep Structure Deck
SD5 - Warrior's Triumph Structure Deck
SD6 - Spellcaster's Judgment Structure Deck
SD7 - Invincible Fortress Structure Deck
SD8 - Lord of the Storm Structure Deck
SD9 - Dinosaur's Rage Structure Deck
SD10 - Machine Re-Volt Structure Deck
SDRL - Rise of the Dragon Lords Structure Deck
SDDE - The Dark Emperor Structure Deck
SDZW - Zombie World Structure Deck
SDSC - Spellcaster's Command Structure Deck
SDMM - Machina Mayhem Structure Deck
SDMA - Marik Structure Deck
SDJ - Joey Starter Deck
SDK - Kaiba Starter Deck
SDP - Pegasus Starter Deck
SDY - Yugi Starter Deck
SJC - Shonen Jump Championship
SKE - Kaiba Evolution Starter Deck
SOD - Soul of the Duelist
SOI - Shadow of Infinity
SOVR - Stardust Overdrive
SP# - Sneak Preview Series
STBL - Starstrike Blast
STON - Strike of Neos
STOR - Storm of Ragnarok
SYE - Yugi Evolution Starter Deck

TAEV - Tactical Evolution
TDGS - The Duelist Genesis
TLM - The Lost Millenium
TP# - Tournament Pack #
TSC - The Sacred Cards
TSHD - The Shining Darkness

YSDJ - Jaden Yuki Starter Deck
YSDS - Syrus Truesdale Structure Deck

If I missed any, feel free to tell me.
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[quote name='<}Alpha Frogodile{>' timestamp='1295836902' post='4956287']
OSHI-- Really? I've been in the Your Deck section ever so rarely. That's obviously why I never saw it. And I spent all this time...
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To be fair, that topic's horribly outdated.

Also, as an active TCG/Your Deck/Player of the game, I feel you're really mis-using the word 'common'
BESD - Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
BOOTE - By Order of the Emperor

Catas - Malevolent Catastrophe
CD/CyDra - Cyber Dragon [b]Only CyDra is used[/b]
CED - Chthonian Emperor Dragon
CS - Chaos Sorcerer [b]It's just called 'Sorc'[/b]
Chimera - Chimeratech Overdragon [b]Overdragon or sometimes 'Chimeratech' is used more (Although Chimeratech is usually Fortress)[/b]

That's just from the first three letters. Seriously, those aren't used.
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