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Chillaccino VS FTW (For the Wynn)


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You know the drill. Card A/B system, PM me your card, first to 3 votes wins, 1 rep from loser to winner. You must state 2 reasons for your votes


Written Cards only


Challenge: Cloudian monster



Cloudian - Fogbank

WATER/Fairy-Effect/Level 3


This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, place 1 Fog Counter on each face-up "Cloudian" monster you control. When this card is destroyed, add up to 3 Fog Counters to 1 face-up "Cloudian" monster you control.



Cloudian - Cumulus

WATER/Fairy-Effect/Level 4

ATK/800 DEF/1000

If this card is destryoed by battle, you can add 1 "Cloudian" monster from your Deck to your hand and send 1 "Cloudian" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. If you Summon a monster with the same Level as 1 "Cloudian" monster you control, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If you do, remove this card from play when it is removed from the field.

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Fogbank is made for Stall clouds. Stall Clouds are bad because they lose to so many stuff. Seriously, turning Curse of Anubis into a chainable Regiki is just not fun for them. As long as mass position changers exist, Clouds need a solid negation card before they get more counter-swarming.


I've already given my thoughts on Cumulus, but I'll just say it makes pro Christia plays for this post.


Card B gets the vote.

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Card A accually makes Some Cloudian Cards Easier to play such as Up Draft let alone if you have out a Nimbus Man or 2. My vote go's to Card A.


More reasons


It accually follows the Cloudian Ruels [if I can't be destroyed by Battle than I have the postion Destruction Effect]


Also it makes use of the Destruction Effect by putting out More Counters


Even though I see Griffens Point Card A is better

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Fogbank seems to be a bit bland of an effect. Nothing really except adding Fog Counters. Cumulus, however, has a pretty unique effect to it. Although both support the Archetype, I would say Cumulus is the better card. It can reuse its effect multiple times by sending another copy of itself to the Graveyard, and ultimately adding up to 4 Cloudians to hand. In addition to that, it can also be used for Deck Thinning and sending necessary Cloudians to the Graveyard. It would work very well with IIW. The strategies I see with it are endless. I would say, an excellent addition to the Cloudian Family. 1 vote for Card B.

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