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Dingo_is_cool VS Little Red Lady Vote!


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First one to post is my opponent.



All YCM Rules apply.

No flaming/Spamming.

My opponent chooses the conditions.


Prize: loser gives winner 1 +rep.


End Date: first to 3 votes wins, or person with the most votes after one week.


[spoiler=Dingo's Card]342593n.jpg


Once per turn, you can search your deck for a Machine-type Monster and add it to your hand. If that Monster is summoned, Destroy this card. If that card is shuffled into your deck, place one "Omega" Token on this card. (Max. 5) If there are three or more "Omega" counters on this card, you can choose one of the following effects:

- Remove 1 "Omega" Token from this card to inflict 1000 points of direct damage to your opponent's lifepoints.

- Remove 2 "Omega" Counters from this card to negate the activation of a Spell or Trap card and Destroy it.

Once every two turns, you may pay 600 lifepoints To shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 5 cards.



[spoiler=Little Red Lady's Card]r71xcy.jpg



Once per turn, you can discard 1 Machine-Type monster to the Graveyard to place 2 Machine Counters on this card (max. 2). When this card is targeted by a Spell or Trap Card or an Effect Monster effect, you can remove 1 Machine Counter to negate the activation of that card and destroy it.




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Alright, I'll vote.


I vote for Lady's card. Her card is OP'd, but otherwise fine. I like Dingo's idea, but OCG is off by a good bit and it would need some serious support for it to even be useful right now. It feels more like a preview to a Structure Deck than it does a 1v1 card (to me). Overall, not bad.


<div><br></div><div>Edit: Lady, please do not spam contests by voting for yourself. It is very unprofessional.</div>

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