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Twilight Warriors


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hello all you happy people
this is my second archetype, the [b]TWILIGHT WARRIORS[/b]
so far i have 20 cards created for this set, its probably all i need but i need your opinions to see if the ocg is correct, if some cards may be over, or underpowered, and most importantly if more cards are needed to overall make this set that much better

first i'll start off with the synchros:
[spoiler= Twilight Warrior synchros]
1. Twilight Warrior Konata, Light, 9 stars
Warrior / Synchro / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3200/2800
1 "Twilight Warrior" Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner mosnters
When a "Twilight Warrior" is normal summoned to the field while this monster is face-up, you can select one card in your opponent's hand and sent it to the bottom of your opponent's deck. When this monster is sent from the field to the graveyard you may send the top two cards from your opponent's deck to the graveyard.

most likely the most annoying monster in the deck, because it has the ability to annoy the crap out of your opponent. hahahah. plus there's a price to pay when its destroyed!

2. Twilight Warrior Ragnarok, Dark, 8 stars
Warrior / Synchro / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3200/2400
1 "Twilight Warrior" Tuner + 1 or more non-tuners
For every "Twilight Warrior" use as a synchro material monster for the synchro summoning of this monster, show your opponent the top card of their deck, then send the card to the bottom of their deck.

also very annoying, also very powerful, basically an effectless synchro after its summoned. just your ordinary powerhouse

3. Twilight Princess Dimna, Dark, 11 stars
Warrior / Synchro / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3500/3400
1 "Twilight Warrior" Tuner + 1 or more "Twilight Warrior" non-tuners
When this monster is synchro summoned, for every 3 "Twilight Warrior" monsters in your graveyard you can send the top card of your opponent's deck to the graveyard. This monster cannot be destroyed by the effects of your opponent's magic and trap cards. This card's name is treated as "Twilight Warrior Dimna" and "Twilight Princess Dimna" while in the graveyard.

a good late-game play, but also good to get on the field soon because of its power and effect. its second effect is for a reason: i'll show you later ;P

now for the tuners:
[spoiler= Twilight Warrior tuners]
1. Twilight Warrior Imp, Dark, 4 stars
Warrior / Tuner, ATK/DEF: 300/1700
Your opponent cannot choose another "Twilight Warrior" as an attack target. If there is another "Twilight Warrior" on the field this monster gains 500 DEF points.

here's the lockdown aspect of the deck, i don't remember if there are other lockdown monsters but all i know is two warrior imps= obnoxiousness for your opponent

2. Twilight Warrior Miyuki, Dark, 2 stars
Warrior / Tuner, ATK/DEF: 400/300
If there is another "Twilight Warrior" monster on your side of the field, once per turn you can negate activation and the effect of one spell or trap card on your opponent's side of the field and destroy it.

ah, here's another lockdown aspect of the deck. also annoying if you have an imp on your side of the field because now its even that much harder to get them dead

3. Twilight Warrior Sakura, Light, 3 Stars
Warrior / Tuner, ATK/DEF: 1300/700
FLIP: For every "Twilight Warrior" on your side of the field and in your hand, send 1 card from the top of your opponent's deck to the graveyard.

just straight up milling, made a flip effect so you can keep it a mystery to your opponent (if you want)

4. Twilight Warrior Setsuna, Light, 1 Star
Warrior / Tuner, ATK/DEF: 100/0
This monster cannot be destroyed by battle. The controller of this card takes no battle damage from battles involving this monster. If this monster successfully attacks your opponent's monster, send the top card of your opponent's deck to the graveyard. If this monster is sent from the field to the graveyard you may special summon one "Twilight Warrior" monster from your graveyard (not including this monster).

pure... broken

now for the non-tuner monsters
[spoiler= Twilight Warriors]
1. Twilight Warrior Shirahama, Dark, 4 stars
Warrior / Effect, ATK/DEF: 1600/1200
When this card is normal summoned, flip summoned, or special summoned you can special summon one level 4 or lower "Twilight Warrior" tuner monster from your deck or graveyard.

here's the swarming part of this deck, overall just an ordinary effect card

2. Twilight Warrior Suzuka, Dark, 4 stars
Warrior / Effect, ATK/DEF: 1200/1000
When this monster is successfully normal summoned, flip summoned or special summoned, you can look at the top two cards of your opponent's deck, send one of the cards to the graveyard, and the other card to the bottom of your opponent's deck, then you must draw the top card from your deck. If that card is a monster card, special summon it to the field. If it is not then send that card to the graveyard.

i'm not sure about the OCG on this card but it seems good to me, plus this card is extremely great

3. Twilight Warrior Takahashi, Dark, 7 stars
Warrior / Effect, ATK/DEF: 2700/1350
While this monster is face-up on the field, for every monster on your side of the field that destroyed a monster on your opponent's side of the field by battle, you can send the top card of your oppoenent's deck to the graveyard.

7 stars for a reason

4. Twilight Warrior Tsukasa, Dark, 3 stars
Warrior / Effect, ATK/DEF: 1750/800
When this card destroys your opponent's monster by battle send the top card of your opponent's deck to the graveyard.

another good mill card, very nice is my only comment.

5. Twilight Warrior King of the Night, Dark, 12 stars
Warrior / Effect, ATK/DEF: ?/2550
This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned from your hand when there is a "Twilight Princess Dimna" in your graveyard. This monster's ATK is equal to the number of "Twilight Warrior" monsters in your graveyard X400. This monster is unaffected by the effects of spell, trap, or monster cards.

too easy to summon for its effect, but it would probably just be limited, could definitely turn the tides of any duel in your favor

6. Twilight Warrior Queen of the Day, Light, 10 Stars
Warrior / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3000/3000
This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned from your hand if "Twilight Princess Dimna" is in your graveyard. For every monster, spell, and trap card your opponent controls, send the top card(s) of your opponent's deck to the graveyard. If any of the cards sent to the graveyard are monster cards, you can special summon them in face-up defense mode to your side of the field.


now that you've seen the mosnters, its time to introduce the supporting magic and trap cards
[spoiler= twilight spells and traps]
1. Castle of Twilight, continuous trap
All "Twilight Warrior" monsters on your side of the field gain 500 DEF points. If a "Twilight Warrior" on your side of the field is selected as an attack target and is not destroyed by battle, your opponent sends one spell or trap card from their side of the field to the graveyard.

self explanatory, basically useful only for one-turn use but is still extremely useful to put on the field

2. Sword of the Twilight Warriors, equip spell
The activation of this card and this card's effect cannot be negated. When this card is equipped to a "Twilight Warrior" monster, the monster gains 500 ATK and DEF points. When a monster equipped with this card destroys your opponents monster by battle, your oppoent must send the top card of their deck to the graveyard. When the monster equipped with this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, your opponent must send the top card of their deck to the graveyard.

probably too good to be not at least semi-limited

3. Twilight Storm, continuous spell
Each time a "Twilight Warrior" Monster is special summoned, you can send one card from the top of your opponent's deck to the graveyard. You can only use this effect once per turn

more milling

4. Twilights Darkness, trap
For every "Twilight Warrior" monster that was destroyed by battle during your opponent's battle phase, your opponent sends the top card(s) of their deck to the graveyard.

more milling, very useful

5. Twilight's Fury, continuous trap
When your opponent destroys a "Twilight Warrior" monster and sends it to the graveyard, send the top two cards of your opponent's deck to the graveyard.

more milling, also very annoying and very useful

6. World of Twilight, Field Spell
All "Twilight Warriors" on your side of the field gain 300 ATK and DEF. Every time a "Twilight Warrior" monster is normal summoned, you can discard one card from your hand to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Twilight Warrior" monster from your hand or deck. For every monster summoned in this way your opponent sends one card in their hand to the graveyard. If there are no cards in your opponent's hand then send the top card of your opponent's deck to the graveyard.

more milling and making your mosnters more powerful, also very nice

thank you for looking at my cards, i hope you liked them
please give me any critiques or feedback that may be useful and once again, thanks for looking,
i hope you all have a good day! :D

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Why would anyone use Twilight Darkness over Twilight's Fury?

Fury counts all destruction, not just destruction by battle.
Fury is a continuous trap, so it lasts for every single turn.
Fury mills two cards for every monster destroyed, as opposed to one.

Setsuna is ridiculously easy to start a loop with. Summon Shirama. Special Summon Setsuna. Synchro for any random level 5 ([url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tech_Genus_Hyper_Librarian]Hyper Librarian is a good choice, since it lets you draw a card.[/url])

Setsuna was "sent" from the field to the grave (by a Synchro Summon). Revive Shirama. Shirama revives Setsuna. Synchro for another level 5. Draw one from Hyper Librarian. Start at the beginning of this paragraph.

Waaay too overpowered.

As for a set dedicated to milling the opponent, they do it way too slowly to be considered a viable threat.

Cards that are terrible:
Castle of Twilight, Sword of Twilight, Twilight Storm, Takashi, Tsukasa, Sakura, and Princess Dimna and friends are more trouble then they're worth.
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and friends? hahahahaha, well thanks for the feedback, i'll make sure to make some cards better suited for the deck

edit: now can you explain to me how these cards are terrible for this deck? and atleast rate the ocg for the cards because if i have good ocg then i'll be able to make better, proper decks in the future
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sorry for the late review dude..kinda busy so anyway, ready GO
For the synchros

Twilight Warrior Konata, Light, 9 stars
Warrior / Synchro / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3200/2800
1 "Twilight Warrior" Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner mosnters
When a "Twilight Warrior" is [b]N[/b]ormal [b]S[/b]ummoned to the field while this [b]card[/b] is face-up, you can select one card in your opponent's hand and sent it to the bottom of your opponent's [b]D[/b]eck. When this monster is sent from the field to the graveyard you may send the top two cards from your opponent's [b]D[/b]eck to the graveyard.

Twilight Warrior Ragnarok, Dark, 8 stars
Warrior / Synchro / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3200/2400
1 "Twilight Warrior" Tuner + 1 or more non-tuners
For every "Twilight Warrior" use as a [b]S[/b]ynchro [b]M[/b]aterial [b]M[/b]onster for the [b]S[/b]ynchro [b]S[/b]ummoning of this [b]card[/b], show your opponent the top card of their [b]D[/b]eck, then send the card to the bottom of their [b]D[/b]eck.

Twilight Princess Dimna, Dark, 11 stars
Warrior / Synchro / Effect, ATK/DEF: 3500/3400
1 "Twilight Warrior" Tuner + 1 or more "Twilight Warrior" non-tuners
When this monster is [b]S[/b]ynchro [b]S[/b]ummoned, for every 3 "Twilight Warrior" monsters in your graveyard, you can send the top card of your opponent's deck to the graveyard. This monster cannot be destroyed by the effects of your opponent's [b]Spell[/b] and [b]T[/b]rap cards. This card's name is treated as "Twilight Warrior Dimna" and "Twilight Princess Dimna" while in the graveyard.

Not much as ocg error as their just some miss capitals

As for the tuners, PikaPerson01 already elaborate so I wont go into much detail
Setsuna is a very op so I've suggest you just to tone it down to just cannot be destroy by battle and can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Twilight Warrior" monster.

For the non-tuner monsters/effect monsters, you just need to capitalize some of them like Normal Summon, Flip Summon, Special Summon, Deck, Graveyard. Other than that, its quite ok but some are quite op like shirama and Suzuka.

For the traps, PikaPerson01 also had named the ones that are bad so wont go into much detail. Again, there's some capitalization missing.Sword of the Twilight Warriors is too op, Castle of Twilight should be a field spell instead while Twilight Storm should be a continuous trap with a drawback like each time during your End Phase, pay 1000 Life Points or destroy this card.

so there you go mate!!
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thanks, i also tried to make my cards less op'd and changed the effects of some cards entirely
i'll have to go back and change all the capitals for sure
and sorry i used the term magic cards, i still own some cards that say magic instead of spell (that was WAAAAAYYYY back, like the duelist kingdom)
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well i'm sure its pretty good now. maybe a few more support cards needed, idk. like to make them faster, but its probably not needed
i wanna see if there are any more bugs in them before i call them a finished set so i'll either send you my list of cards (in a finished set style) or post another topic with the edited cards up.
you tell me what i should do, lol
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