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Tourny Report!

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OK, I was just at my local tourny and here's my report. My deck was harpies.


First Round: I won

Harpies vs. Six Samurais


Round 1:

I decimated him, blasting his S&Ts left and right and the power up from Harpie Lady 1.


Round 2: Got decimated, he got Yaichi, Grandmaster, and Shien out quickly.


Round 3:

I won, fast.


Second Round: I won

Harpies vs. Calculator Deck


Round 1:

He got calculator out, along with Cyber and D.D Warrior Lady. Mirror Forced them all and came back with Hysteric Party.


Round 2:

I lost, VERY bad draws.


Round 3:

I beat him using his own CyDra ^.^


Third Round: I Lost

Harpies vs. Light and Darkness


Round 1:

Killed off my Cyber Harpie, and 2 Harpie Lady 1. Then brought them back with Hysteric Party. :)


Round 2:



Round 3:

Same as 2.


Fourth Round: I Lost

Harpies vs. Deck Devi


Round 1:

Got 3 of my harpies out, then he top decked Lightning >_>


Round 2:

Got slaughtered, he fizzled my Pot of Avarice.


So, in the end I didn't do too well. So, tell me if you think I could've done better.

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