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[PLEASE LOCK]Graphics Central


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Graphics Central

Every Item is Fully Free

The Graphics Central is a shop who's goal is availability and practice. Every item we have here, we will try to make better. Aiming for 100% satisfaction of the customer, we are always happy to redo or add something to an item. However, there are rules, a ban list, a waiting list, because our life is not centered around this shop. And finally, as we respect and treat you, we wish you to treat us.



1. The customer is not allowed to rush the worker.

2. The customer is to treat the workers as they treat them.

3. If the item is not satisfactory to the customer, he may ask the worker to touch it up, or ask another worker to redo it from scratch.

4. No preset forms are there for items like tags. The worker wants to have freedom working on the item.

5. If the item is not made in a time period 72 hours (3 days), the customer can cancel the order, order it from another worker etc.

6. You may ask for additional things to be added to your item.

7. The customer can ask for PSDs or XCFs for the Tag Item.


[spoiler=::BAN LIST::]






[spoiler=Worker Madsen]



Render or Stock:

Text (not required):[/b]



Render or Stock (not required):

Text (not required)





[spoiler=Worker 25000st]


Render or Stock:

Text (not required):


Done Items

[spoiler=Worker Madsen]













[spoiler=Worker 25000st]











So, I hope you enjoy the Graphics Central, order from it, and come back later!

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1 question why in packs does it have to be rendered?


Doesn't have to be, but the process is faster.


can i join?I make artwork.





How about you learn how to upload images? Try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIvlnMnWd40


what do you do here? make card packs? :huh: if so, i want to make a order.


Yes. Everything with an example can currently be made here.


Sig from Madsen:


Render or Stock: http://i52.tinypic.com/rm21ec.png

Text (not required):


Sig from 25000st:


Render or Stock: http://i55.tinypic.com/71r215.png

Text (not required):



There, didn't leave anyone out. ;D


Love you hun/ I'll leave the sig right here on this post.


Thank you for shopping at the Graphics Central, one of your requests was completed!



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Sexy bro. ;D


Do I owe anything?


Nothing at all.


There you are.



Sry, I'm rather rusty from not having done any tags. D:


Thank you for filling in your request. The result will be added to the done requests.


Oh sorry... I missed that.


How about you read the rules and title from now on?


Iight so apparently you need my expertise.

I'll work for you, i suppose.

Do i need to include examples of my work?


With me broseph. And sorry about the pack, tpb is messing with me.


I will Join I can Do Name tags like basic ones on GIMP i dont want to post examples but i can :)


You need examples.

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Iight so apparently you need my expertise.

I'll work for you, i suppose.

Do i need to include examples of my work?


And sorry, you do need examples.


can you make me a card pack with Shadow the hedgeho, Sonic, and any other sonic charecter :) please.


Use the form.


Don't worry, the eerie feel was exactly what I wanted. ;D


Thank you for shopping at the Graphics Central, we hope you come again!

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what form? do you mean like paste it here. problem. i still have to learn that.


You copy it and then paste it. I mean for srs.


I'll work for you,

ONLY if you take all that s*** and make it a media fire file thing.



Gotta be a MegaUpload thing, the file is too big for MediaFire.

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