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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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I have ideas, the only issue I have is that I don't know how I should go about using those ideas.


For example: I think up at least 3 possible stories I could write a day (not purposely either). My problem is that in writing they become less epic because I'm controlling everything.


If I make it a RP however, people will obviously deviate from the direction I want to go unless I say "I'm going to guide you down to X ending". People get mad, don't want me telling them what to do/ accuse me of GodModding and quit the RP.


I've only successfully completed one story, and every time I complete it something bad happens (Power outage, dogs step on keyboard, Computer dies, Flash Drive breaks) before I hit that final save button. Not to mention when I do try to retype it, I try to do so AND let people read it as I go, except people don't want to read it for I don't know what reasons.


Help? /makingtopicoutofrandomcomment

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I would love to write a bit more, but, I am constantly plagued by that one question: 'Would it matter?'


My thoughts exactly. I used to write short stories left and right, but now it's just like "Well, I guess I could write this...bah, f*ck it."

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