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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Oh. My friends and I just had a wand duel that took place over the entire school. It was completely awesome :3


A little twist of realism would be to make these little spell packets made of a few grams of sand wrapped in fabric and tied at the top. When you cast spells, you throw it at the opponent, and if it hits them, the spell hits.


I'm sad, though, cause before we moved, I had at least 3 opportunities to take part in a zombie apocalypse Nerf night at the park and I JUST bought $70 worth of equipment at the time. It makes me sad. :'(

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Must've been epic indeed :3

Of course it was!!!!

A little twist of realism would be to make these little spell packets made of a few grams of sand wrapped in fabric and tied at the top. When you cast spells, you throw it at the opponent, and if it hits them, the spell hits.


I'm sad, though, cause before we moved, I had at least 3 opportunities to take part in a zombie apocalypse Nerf night at the park and I JUST bought $70 worth of equipment at the time. It makes me sad. :'(

That takes away the creativity and it is time consuming.


But I feel bad for you. You should of shot your parents, run away, and join the Nerf Night. Then make an army to kill your parents with the guns.


A wand duel?

Yeah boy.

Ever ran around flicking wands and shouting spells at someone doing the same?

Yeah, but we are actually magical.
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That takes away the creativity and it is time consuming.


It's all the same in Harry Potter. Quick incantations and thought are required to cast each spell.

But I feel bad for you. You should of shot your parents, run away, and join the Nerf Night. Then make an army to kill your parents with the guns.


Nah. Without my parents, I probably wouldn't be alive right now.

Yeah, but we are actually magical.


Not as magical as you are in bed- *shot*

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=/ The closest i ever get to RPing is tactical RPing


where you form groups and nations and set up a whole world with an economy and stuff


and battles occur in tactical games like Total War


The only Total War game I've ever played was Shogun while I was at my cousin's house.


I suck at RTS games anyway.

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Yeah if you're gonna commit to fake warfare the best thing to wear is ugly shades of green.


Another quick note: Never stand out in the open, cause the odds of getting shot from doing so are 5 to 1.


But of course you all knew that.

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Last time I played paintball


Well, we were playing king of hill team edition


So, which ever team manages to be at the little bunker area at the top the hill wins


Me and some other guy basically shot them by the tens (it was a re-spawn match. As in you go back to the bottom of the hill, touch a tree and run back up)


In the end, we ran out of ammo, but we still shot so as to make them think we had ammo


Until the official caught on ;_;




Another dream of mine is to play laser tag in a 3 story shopping mall in the dark.

Oh my God yes. I'd pay any sort of money to do that



I have this bizzare tendency to enter some sort of commando mode when holding some kind of large gun-like object, like when I had this water gun one time at school.


I do all the time too


With textbooks and shizz xD

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