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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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4 years?

You've been here since 2007? xD

Also, due to my eyesight, is it bad that can hardly read your title?


I have, actually.


I'm only mocking those kinds of signs, but it does bug me when people are so close to me I can hardly breathe.

But you're fine. ;3

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Cause you're active. I took a few year-long leaves in between being active.

I'm still wondering what happened to all the cool people I knew when I first joined.

Same only I know what happened to most of them


The biggest for me was when El left




Tr-Train? Is that you? Whatddaya say we join up just like old times sake eh? forget that women. *pulls out Imagine Blade*


What. Do. You. Say?

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I met and got to know Luna and Frunk. The others, not so much. Anyways, would I be considered a YCM Legend?


That depends. Usually a "legend" is referring to a person that is remembered greatly for doing something that changed history.

Unless that's about right, I have no clue.

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Thanatos is the personification of Death. Not the god of death. :DDD But yes, it sounds epic. Change your name to Thanatos Jax. :DD





Erebus is the true spelling, actually. And no it does not. If you understand the meaning of it, you understand the name.

No I mean for any random layman who doesn't know. .-.

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