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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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That's actually kinda cliche.


Coming from the guy who controls fire. Oh hi there every main character of every anime ever.<----Yep, you said something so stupid that I broke by vow of ignorance (wait, what?) to just mention you're a hypocrite. P.S. I don't really mean every main character has fire manipulation but a lot do so it in itself is a cliche that is followed by Thar yet he critisizes others on some a bit less cliche.

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Coming from the guy who controls fire. Oh hi there every main character of every anime ever.<----Yep, you said something so stupid that I broke by vow of ignorance (wait, what?) to just mention you're a hypocrite. P.S. I don't really mean every main character has fire manipulation but a lot do so it in itself is a cliche that is followed by Thar yet he critisizes others on some a bit less cliche.


And yet I still don't care. Congrats. You broke your own vow only to be ridiculed once again for your stupid judgments. Well played, boy. Well played.

On a related note, just because I use a cliche element doesn't mean pointing out something cliche is worth b*tching about.

It's best you just keep ignoring me. Everything that comes out of your mouth towards me seems to only b*tch about sh*t that only you find annoying. Grow up and learn to accept the fact that no one is perfect.


EDIT: I sense a mass reply coming on. This should be fun.

EDIT EDIT: Or maybe he'll just continue to ignore me.

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Get this. Everything you just said is stupid an I'll show you why.


And yet I still don't care.

Oh then this should be all there is to your arg-



You broke your own vow only to be ridiculed once again

I was what?

for your stupid judgments.

They seemed pretty logical to me. This...not so much.

Well played, boy. Well played.

Thanks again...I guess...

On a related note, just because I use a cliche element doesn't mean pointing out something cliche is worth b*tching about.

Actually, you only agreed to it. Other than that you're really just being a hypocrite. I find that to be something worth pointing out.

It's best you just keep ignoring me.

I agree but you really don't learn if I don't point it out.


P.S. You don't want me to talk to you, Mr. Thar? But that status you made made it seem like you missed my tender voice so much~

Everything that comes out of your mouth towards me seems to only b*tch about sh*t that only you find annoying.

I can't help it if you're so annoying. But I find it funny if the one who's using the language of a b*tch is calling others one. YAY FOR BEING A HYPOCRITE~!

Grow up

Coming from the guy who acts like a child trying to grab the attention of his mother.

and learn to accept the fact that no one is perfect.

I've always accepted that. I just don't accept that people can be as f*cking stupid as you.

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Get this. Everything you just said is stupid an I'll show you why.


1. Now I see the 16-year-old in you. Half of that whole thing was irrelevant crap about how stupid I am. Not like that's been done before. <_<

2. You could have just kept your big mouth shut and we wouldn't be having this thing going on here.

3. How is being a hypocrite worth pointing out? Everyone's a hypocrite. So it's like pointing out a pigeon on a downtown sidewalk. Oh look, dad! This pigeon is so important I just have to show you! Yeah, no. It's not. So stop whining.


So, Chatzy battle, anyone? Anyone?


I'm up for it.

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1. Now I see the 16-year-old in you. Half of that whole thing was irrelevant crap about how stupid I am. Not like that's been done before. <_<

It really wasn't irrelevant if what you said was irrelevant in the first place and what I said was a relevant response to it.

2. You could have just kept your big mouth shut and we wouldn't be having this thing going on here.

Again, coming from the guy who kept talking about me when I was ignoring him. Your argument so far is terrible and I doubt it gets better.

3. How is being a hypocrite worth pointing out? Everyone's a hypocrite. So it's like pointing out a pigeon on a downtown sidewalk. Oh look, dad! This pigeon is so important I just have to show you! Yeah, no. It's not. So stop whining.

There are tolerable ways of being a hypocrite. Mainly the ways that aren't blatantly obvious and blurted out by the hypocrite in such a stupid fashion.

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1. No. Saying I'm stupid is irrelevant because I simply don't care. So you're really just wasting your breath.

2. Seeing as I was just trying to get a response out of you for sh*ts and giggles, I believe I succeeded. Your accusations are impractical, and now I am no longer interested.

3. You obviously don't see eye-to-eye with the world if you can't deal with the hypocrisy that you label as "obvious." It happens around you every second. You might as well point out every last sonuvab*tch in this world if this is how you see everything. Have fun with that, cause FYI, no one cares but you and a handful of others.

4. Shouldn't you be in bed?


@Broken: I agree with Striker. Chatzy doesn't really sound that fun anymore.

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1. No. Saying I'm stupid is irrelevant because I simply don't care. So you're really just wasting your breath.

It's stupid to say you don't care yet still attempt a terrible argument.

2. Seeing as I was just trying to get a response out of you for sh*ts and giggles, I believe I succeeded. Your accusations are impractical, and now I am no longer interested.

Bullsh*t. Bullsh*t has been called.

3. You obviously don't see eye-to-eye with the world if you can't deal with the hypocrisy that you label as "obvious." It happens around you every second. You might as well point out every last sonuvab*tch in this world if this is how you see everything. Have fun with that, cause FYI, no one cares but you and a handful of others.

Your argument is beginning to get even more half-assed.

4. Shouldn't you be in bed?

Yes. Now can I go back to ignoring you? You're boring and you're obviously trying to get out of this.


@Broken: I agree with Striker. Chatzy doesn't really sound that fun anymore.

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Stupid. Bullsh*t. Half-assed. Boring.

Words that mean nothing to me.

Now just go to bed, whiner.


If past experience has been any indication, saying 'lol, I ws jus trollin' as an out has always ended in tears.


I stand corrected then. My bad.

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