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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Thanks Brothar. Either way, the Soul Tequila did it. Look to the last page.


Don't order another Soul Tequila, per order of me and Chan, the bartenders.

Order another Soul Tequila, and we'll kick you out of the bar.



Everyone else can have one, but if they go crazy from it, we'll just stop serving those things altogether.

Something about that drink makes people go loopy.

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My two most hated classes have exams on Monday.

If I don't pass their exams, I fail.


Calculus can kiss my asymptote.

Chemistry can kiss my arsenic.


That hair-pulling moment when the final is your only chance of not failing.

That, my friend, is why I'm glad this semester is over.

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My parents said I could live in a dorm if I wanted to since they'll pay for it, but I chose to live at home because I get free food and a bigger bed xP


My parents are cheapskates. They said they weren't paying for out-of-state tuition for a college that they thought I wasn't ready for.

I think that's the one thing I need is a university setting. But since money is tight, I have to go through 3 years of community college for my associate's.


I have a Science Project due tomorrow, and a Science Exam the same class.


I HATE Science, but love the teacher, Mr. Cooley.


I think the best science class I've had my whole life was 7th and 8th grade.

Mr. Prem: Irish funny-guy with black facial hair

Mrs. Dixon: Mischievous semi-old woman that plays pranks on other teachers. DURING class.


I hated the school, but I loved the teachers.

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Hey for those f*ckers whining about how college is expensive . . . at least you're IN COLLEGE.


I can't get a grant to save my life and I don't make enough money to even afford the gas to go anywhere much less sign up (>B [)


Chris, I really want to tell you that saying you eat/drink souls, really makes you sound like a gonk. It's not cool sounding, or intimidating, just, stupid.


Uh . . . I consume souls, but their in an alcoholic drink.


Chris is back? Shall I prepare the pitchforks and torches Mr. Finale?


Oh God no . . .


Did someone say torch and pitchforks? *wonders about a possible ogre infestation*


*smacks Shadow*


Don't encourage him!

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