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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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If I could take an educated guess, Jake pulled off some kind of BS and Daemon got bored.


No matter, kitties love cuddling in my ample bosom.


...and I got kicked off. >:(


MOW! O.O *boobz??* *jumps into boobs*


0_o Mcgee?? What'ry- oh, nevermind. :3

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...Oh yeah...

It's just been a long day full of interesting conversation for me xD

And also Zombie Tag; that was fun :3


That sounds like a fun Chatzy event.

A casual Zombie Tag event with no superpowers. Sounds a lot better than what we've been doing. :3


You DO realize that Daemon can be bested by a vaccumm cleaner right, or a strong breeze? Hell, compress him and you got yourself some plasma energy.


*huggles* Aww, sweet kitty.


*Looks around corner* When did Brokelle get out?




Mew mew mew... *I LUV BOOBZ I LUV BOOBZ* x3

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You DO realize that Daemon can be bested by a vaccumm cleaner right, or a strong breeze? Hell, compress him and you got yourself some plasma energy.


*huggles* Aww, sweet kitty.


*Looks around corner* When did Brokelle get out?


Can Jake even do any of those things? And he could probably best that by just solidifying or something.


And I don't know but I think I want to call dibs. -__-

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The light breeze is the key difference. It takes a lot of will to keep your mist form together, imagine the strain forced on you by being scattered so much; the sheer will needed to reform from being scattered so far would be impossible to maintain.


He must have ignored that fact when I created that hurricane.

What a cheater. <_<

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It's in my nature to know such a fact. I am conniving, so I always try to find weaknesses and exploit them like mad. Heh, I suppose that's why I like watching you guys. It helps to know your enemies.


...and yet you never battle us.

From my point of view, you only battled me once for training and Lora that other time but you were spamming crystal spikes, which are

1. Cliche

2. Hard, not dense

3. Very scarce, so spawning that much just SCREAMS playing God


Of course, I'm only pointing things out like a rambling mad-man *twitch*

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