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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Sure let me find the link again . . .


Need to bookmark that sh*t (XD)


It's not my fault that you abused her so much that she is emotionally unstable Jake. Maybe you should consider your slack parenting before blaming those around you.


Abuse Broken?


Mmmm . . . not really. If anything I'm the one who has been abused.


We have as normal of a father/daughter relationship as possible considering all the facts and my own raising/family.


Kill his kinz and rape Lora, what else?


Kill my family?


Can you start with my ex? LOL XD


On another note, "rape Lora" I will allow her to respond to personally.


[grabs Daemon by the front of his shirt and lifts him off his feet]

Never ever even joke about that, got it?



Okay and the discussion about religion here. Yeah . . .




To put it simply and in as few words as possible, "If we are to have a religious discussion it must be on an intelligent level and not quickly devolve into a flame war."


Which this latest conversation was anything but "intelligent", at least on one side. Yes Swift I am siding with Daemon on this, as you seemed to simply begin throwing a tantrum . . .


If someone believes in something other than the Christian God, then shouldn't it be respectful for you to just shrug your shoulders, say "okay that is your choice" and hope they have enough mind to respect your own opinion?


Now let me restate this, since I have the feeling I MUST . . . which is sad if you ask me . . .


If there is ANY flame wars here I am not only going to be pissed, but harshly hand out warnings/bans. As such Swift you have 24 hours to PM me a reason why you shouldn't be given a warning, or plead guilty as charged ASAP.


And if I am not around to stomp out the flame war before it begins, Daemon is to do it; which Daemon I am surprised you didn't and instead aided in nearly starting one.


So everyone play nice











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[cracks knuckles]

You say something Brothar?


So since we're a part of the contest if anyone, who is not in another club as the owner, I would love to get suggestions and/or images, poems, etc from you all


I assume you mean me. Well I rather just work on my club's anyway. And I'm too busy to help with two other clubs on this.

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[cracks knuckles]

You say something Brothar?


So since we're a part of the contest if anyone, who is not in another club as the owner, I would love to get suggestions and/or images, poems, etc from you all


Hi, Lora. ^_^


I can certainly provide stocks/resource images for further use. Poems are an option as well.

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I assume you mean me. Well I rather just work on my club's anyway. And I'm too busy to help with two other clubs on this.


And actually I was including Striker in that list as well (^^);


I still want to see some really pretty pictures of Lora.


Believe me I am going to get Lora to help weather she likes it or not.

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