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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Don't know what he did with mine and I don't care.


But...it's not even 3 weeks until Christmas yet...


The holiday starts when the month begins, basically. Then the celebration is on the 25th.


*waves to Shizuo.* It's been a while. Hit me with a spiked egg nog and I WILL catch it this time. ;)

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Carve out a giant marshmallow,

and put Hot Chocolate inside it for me. :3



*takes out a bag of marshmallows and dumps it into a large bowl, melts the marshmallows, and hardens it into a giant marshmallow*

*takes giant marshmallow, and injects it with hot chocolate*

*serves marshmallow*

Enjoy! *smiles*


Mallowshots! :D *waves* I'll have the same.


*looks at Jax* ...drinking contest? ;)


*serves a mallowshot*



Can I have some vanilla to put in this too?


*gives vanilla*

Now you can add as much as you'd like, Desu-kun.

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*Puts a few drops of the vanilla in the hot chocolate. Then mixes it around with a spoon.* Cheers To Something!


Cheers to Jake being gone for the weekend and Daemon not being here!

IOW, to you, Desu. *raises shot and downs his third.*

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