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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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A girl doesn't need cleavage.

Okay, you got me there. They don't need cleavage, I only want it.


And I thought you didn't care?

I only say that to earn the trust of girls I meet. However, there are times where I just can't help myself.

Meh, screw it. I just can't stand Striker and this is kind of stupid that he's trying.

He's the club troll. What did you expect? Logic?

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1) Know your place. >: (

2) Then why'd you lie originally? This place is sausage fest.

3) I guess you got me there.

Smack her in the breasts. That's where it hurts the most.


Good point.

It seems that I've been around my Uncle a bit too much. I'm sorry Desu, I'm usually not like that.


Yeah, not working for me. You can stop now, Striker.

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I didn't lie. I'm bisexual at night, so my self-control was more effective then.


...ignoring that you're contradicting yourself...what? Do i even want to know?

Do you honestly think my Uncle put me up to this? And to think Daemon likes me more than Uncle Nate.


Shiould I just play along with this, Ms. Lora rip-off...?

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Actually, Thar, that explains a lot.


Uncle Nate is right about one thing, Desu is as stubborn as a bull.


Other than mentioning how obvious that is I like to think of it as a pretty good quality of mine.


*is sitting on the couch*


I can't believe no one noticed me coming in and sitting here.


It may have to do with the fact that you didn't mention anything or we really just don't care.

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Striker, you jumped up, retarded, obnoxious, egotistical, unsightly little idea parasite. It's bad enough that you bastardize everything simply by TOUCHING IT; but now you're attempting to parasitize a concept that's already been done here, albeit as a Mary Sue. What the TOOT goes on in your head to think that these plays of utter stupidity are actually good? What thought processes go through that vacuous head of yours to even think that this would be practical or interesting. What makes you think THAT *Points at the 'niece* Was even remotely a good idea?


Oh right, it's only by copying the hotel formula did you hope to make your craphouse even remotely interesting.

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