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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Ok, so does ANYONE want to read my Fic or not?


Lora? Jake? How about you guys? I'll bring the link up if you're interested.


I don't have any time for reading fics >.>


Plus I'm stringing up a plot for my own Fic. I have an idea on what it's about, I just need to figure out a good prologue.

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I wouldn't have wasted my time, since nobody has made any crutique on it. It barely has 100 views and people are too stupid about the fact that the story is better than it seems. Anyway:



Too stupid? Don't be stupid enough to call someone stupid. Almost everyone here is a better writer than you and I just read the first paragraph.
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I wouldn't have wasted my time, since nobody has made any crutique on it. It barely has 100 views and people are too stupid about the fact that the story is better than it seems.


Dante critiqued it. Dunno why you're excluding him.


I agree with DD, though. Calling someone stupid cause they don't like your writing is like striking your cat cause it won't cuddle with you.

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Took my computer 2 1/2 hours to download its massive 14.1 GB girth >.>


I think it took my computer like 6 hours to download it. :/


But the game IS awesome.

Hey guys, how has everyone been?


Uncle Nate finally let me out of that crazy Treehouse.


I warned her that the Hotel is crazier, but she didn't believe me.


Thanks for your present of not being here yesterday. <3


Now leave again. -__-

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Yes. But Dr. Cakey-chan said the prologue length limit is ~2000 words, which he said was about 2 pages long. Sounds about wrong to me, but I was just clarifying.


Who? Well if you just read the fanfic section rules it tells you this stuff.

Now that I have brought my niece here, I shall be returning to my bunker.




Thank goodness he is gone. Anyway, I haven't read a good story in a while so I wouldn't know.


Tits or gtfo.

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