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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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But you quoted it. :/


And what do you mean act surprised? :/


Nobody's trying but you do seem to be losing it. :/


Responding to all your comments:


-When you said I ninja'd you, you seemed to have mistaken DD's comment with mine when I asked for an explanation. So I was just clarifying.

-When I say "act", I'm describing the way I react to your comments in a way that puts your perspective into question, which I believe is being taken by you guys as "pretending to have apathy".

-My stupid decision to troll my friends is what causes me to lose it. That feeling of writing out my anger just creates a rush that I often can't control. But usually what helps me is, for example, your smart responses that don't express anger and hatred but rather pity and annoyance. It's anger that drives me, but anything else only forces me to pull back. So I thank you guys for that.



Can't lose what you never had :3 <3


Sometimes those illusions are hard to not fall for, especially for me. =/

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Responding to all your comments:


-When you said I ninja'd you, you seemed to have mistaken DD's comment with mine when I asked for an explanation. So I was just clarifying.

-When I say "act", I'm describing the way I react to your comments in a way that puts your perspective into question, which I believe is being taken by you guys as "pretending to have apathy".

-My stupid decision to troll my friends is what causes me to lose it. That feeling of writing out my anger just creates a rush that I often can't control. But usually what helps me is, for example, your smart responses that don't express anger and hatred but rather pity and annoyance. It's anger that drives me, but anything else only forces me to pull back. So I thank you guys for that.


1) Nah, I thought you may have thought I was saying you burned him so I was just mentioning you had ninja'd me.

2) Yeah, I caught that. I was asking why you'd be surprised? It doesn't seem to fit.

3) Troll your friends? Who?

4) Don't think for a moment I have any pity for you.

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1) I wondered what it was so I did. Turned out to be a boring sob story. I was disappointed. I read the first paragraph or two and then the last. Meh.

2) You said both.


1) Yeah I am kind of a sob.

2) Yeah, but my aim was for you to interpret one of them as true.

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1) I prefer the term b*tch. Not sob.

2) You said and. -___-


How about annoyance? You do annoy me.


1) Fine. B*tch, then.

2) My mistake, then.


Good. Now we agree on something.



*Facepalm* Why is everyone going crazy needlessly over a stupid sentence?


It's a forum. People expect good grammar and sh*t.

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