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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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You say I don't know what crap you've been through. I am absolutely certain most people on the net has some pathetic sob story to tell to the other lost souls.


But let me dish you one good piece of advice: Stop being a gigantic pussy who is so desperately trying to cling for sympathy over something you f***ed up about. The more you let yourself get weighed down by regrets you're too dumb to let go of, the more you'll sink into the sea of despair until you finally drown in it.


It's hard for me. When I f*** up like that, I feel like I'm both falling and drowning at the same time. Ignore my metaphors, but it's very hard to describe what goes through my mind even when I'm calm.


...and for some reason it is a lot more affected over the internet, cause not only can't I see the expression on your face, but writing is where all my anger goes a lot of times without thinking let alone clicking the f***ing "send" button while in the same blurriness.


Oh yeah, and did I also mention that I am horrible when it comes to girls? Yeah, I'm a f***ing retard.

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I made a bet with Daemon, I said that no one could possibly tolerate being around you and he said that there was at least one person who could. So we made a bet and it seems that I lost it.


@Brother: If you could see my expression, it's one of sullen contempt effectively; egenrally it's how I normally look, but with the added contempt. But if you want to drown, then do so. We aren't stopping you.

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@Brother: If you could see my expression, it's one of sullen contempt effectively; egenrally it's how I normally look, but with the added contempt. But if you want to drown, then do so. We aren't stopping you.


Literal reaction: Wow. Did I say I wanted to kill myself right now? No, I didn't.

Figurative reaction: I'm giving myself 3 years to decide that officially, cause that's when I'm said to get my Associates Degree.

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@Raine: Don't worry. I'm not suicidal, I just overreact to things, which makes me think of terrible things. Besides, they're only trying to make me freak again.

@Everyone else: I'll include myself in this bet. 3 years, and if I lose, you can have all my points. ;D




Drew_Carey.jpgThe points don't matter. 8D

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@Raine: Don't worry. I'm not suicidal, I just overreact to things, which makes me think of terrible things. Besides, they're only trying to make me freak again.

@Everyone else: I'll include myself in this bet. 3 years, and if I lose, you can have all my points. ;D




Drew_Carey.jpgThe points don't matter. 8D

Neither does your life, but we still care about money. :3
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