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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Fine, put it on us. But you're 19, act like it. I am getting tired of seeing you, Striker and Desu acting with such stupidity. Desu is pissed off all the time, he is a teenager, what the hell don't you expect? Striker, you never learn from anything no matter how hard you try. Brothar, you keep talking like you're some big shot, but you are one of the most childish people I've seen.

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Fine, put it on us. But you're 19, act like it. I am getting tired of seeing you, Striker and Desu acting with such stupidity. Desu is pissed off all the time, he is a teenager, what the hell don't you expect? Brothar, you keep talking like you're some big shot, but you are one of the most childish people I've seen.


Here's the link. Go nuts: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/268010-getting-something-off-my-chest/page__fromsearch__1


I'm not acting like a big shot. I'm just very sensitive and I don't like being ridiculed.

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He got you there, Striker.


Fine, put it on us. But you're 19, act like it. I am getting tired of seeing you, Striker and Desu acting with such stupidity. Desu is pissed off all the time, he is a teenager, what the hell don't you expect? Striker, you never learn from anything no matter how hard you try. Brothar, you keep talking like you're some big shot, but you are one of the most childish people I've seen.


Well I'm not pissed off ALL the time. Just some people are really good at it.


I've never talked to him.


He was in the last conversation on Chatzy. At least the last one I was in. He was the guy I was forced to fight.

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What Broken said. Intellect is only good for getting a job done. Socialization is for talking to people. Bring them together and apparently it's your job to talk to people. In other words, you're a salesman.


Get off my porch. >_<

Or a drunken rich guy getting payed to eat at horrible restaurants.


tl;dr Brother, in short, you're an id-dee-yot; and I rarely spare the time to pronounce it like that unless verbal.

YOu know I am the biggest idiot there is <3
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tl;dr Brother, in short, you're an id-dee-yot; and I rarely spare the time to pronounce it like that unless verbal.


Maybe I am an idiot. Maybe I'm not. It's a f*cking forum, for God's sake.



Or a drunken rich guy getting payed to eat at horrible restaurants.


YOu know I am the biggest idiot there is <3


I deleted my post, just so you know.

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Oh. I am not one of those people, am I?


Nope. You're like a different class of douche that doesn't piss me off. robably a bit more assholish. Hybrid maybe?

I deleted my post, just so you know.


I think you delete a lot. Because half thetime I have no idea what people are responding too. :/

Thanks. I needed that. Especially after all the times I tried to kill myself during those few months.


Stop trying to get sympathy. This is an internet forum. Nobody cares. -___-


Well at least no guy cares. Bring a sob story to few girls here and they're putty in your hands. Well it works for Sharkman.

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Stop trying to get sympathy. This is an internet forum. Nobody cares. -___-


Well at least no guy cares. Bring a sob story to few girls here and they're putty in your hands. Well it works for Sharkman.






Then be glad you were retarded, at least then you wouldn't understand half the crap that occurs to people with unafflicted mindsets.


My God. None of you know what it's like to be me. So stop comparing yourselves to me and f*ck off.

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You say I don't know what crap you've been through. I am absolutely certain most people on the net has some pathetic sob story to tell to the other lost souls.


But let me dish you one good piece of advice: Stop being a gigantic pussy who is so desperately trying to cling for sympathy over something you f***ed up about. The more you let yourself get weighed down by regrets you're too dumb to let go of, the more you'll sink into the sea of despair until you finally drown in it.

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