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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Why should rank affect all our abilities to partay? :D


BTW there's a lot of nightclubs down here where I live. Photographers get a flat weekly pay of $400. I was thinking of giving it a shot.


Haha get it? Shot? Photography humor right thar. =/

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Only means you can....you can...


what can board members do anyhow?


By temporary I have no idea if you mean that you'll be on the board too or I'll be taken off.


Well I'm third in command. If DD and Jake aren't here then I'm in charge. :/


Other than that, nothing.

I was a board member and am the VP. b****es, I am yo pimp.


We've gone over this. I didn't want to be VP so you got the job. :/

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