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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Doesn't that make you a more likeable character. Instead of being the Gary Stu action hero, it may win you more points witht he reader if for once you are placed in a position of powerlessness.


While I understand where you are coming from and all, I do completely agree. Though let me clear it up and state that, while ABLE too, I do not mean at any moment I CAN use those techniques nor at their full power.


Like with the makeshift Amateratsu, someone with the Sharingan will EASILY be able to overpower me and mine also takes longer to prepare. Other than that most of the jutsus are unable to be preformed at ease.


Also the topic beforehand sucked (B /)


Has anyone heard that the Humane Society is bashing McRib . . . errr . . . again?

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....not planning on getting it considering I'm still playing the first 3 games of the 3rd generation.


San Andreas was doing pretty good until I started a mission at Big Smoke's house.


GTA III I haven't played in a while, but all I know is I'm currently on the second island.


Vice City I rage quit and I forgot to save, so I uninstalled it and it was taking forever to re-install so I just thought "f*ck it."

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Lemme guess. "Hit me!"?

*hits you with shot glass, then serves drink in it*


*glass shatters on his forehead, starting a stream of blood running down his face and onto the floor.*


Oh look, Shizuo, you dirtied up Jake's floor. >_>

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