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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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I wasn't going to serve Taisen anyway. He's beyond drunk. He's close to the point where he'll need his stomach pumped.


And we all know that that's not going to be pretty...

I swear you'll only find 3 small children, a baby seal, a few of my sworn enemies, Don't get me started on the liquor, and maybe an engine or two...and a few whole cans of Monster


*instachugs Daemon's Beer*



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Authority doesn't necessarily mean "order," just ownership. As long as the place doesn't fall to pieces, his "authority" is still in tact.

My interpretation of authority would be order in this situation because he ORDERS me to not give Taisen a drink. Not ordered me specifically, just Shizuo. But his authority is absolute, as in the order that he gave. Ownership would have no point in this besides him being the president. That is a higher rank, so I must follow his order.


"In tact", did you miss half of this conversation? Really? That wording is either wrong or you just want to fight about something that makes you sound smart, where as it is useless to say, "in tact" at this moment. That is because he stated, "absolute" authority, which is defying that even if this place falls, he can still order us to fix it up. He still owns the land anyways, so wouldn't that analogy have no point either? If he has ownership of this entire land and everything that is bought by his own money for this land, then why would this place even need to stand for him to have order?


Anyways Jake, sorry for being mean, I love you like a brother! So, no hug and rejoice over the good times will have and will share? Probably not, his authority isn't absolute. :3 f***ing with you is fun.

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Did you not read the last sentence? I really don't care, it was directed at Brothar's attempt to sound like he knew something.


Dude, you need to f*cking chill.


I may seem like I'm trying to be smart, but that doesn't mean you have to point it out like it's a crime.


Seriously, why does everyone assume this much of me? Half the sh*t I say is pure nonsense unless it's completely obvious. So do us all a favor and don't take me so seriously. >.>

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Dude, you need to f*cking chill.


I may seem like I'm trying to be smart, but that doesn't mean you have to point it out like it's a crime.


Seriously, why does everyone assume this much of me? Half the sh*t I say is pure nonsense unless it's completely obvious. So do us all a favor and don't take me so seriously. >.>

But it is no fun if I can't. And did you take me seriously? Geez, follow your own advice. Oh trolling. I suck at it.
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Did you not read the last sentence? I really don't care, it was directed at Brothar's attempt to sound like he knew something.


Yeah I did which is why I said that.


I know you're joking but I still tuned you out (83)


Yes, "follow my own advice."


If I did that, I'd be dead... and you would be happy, I'm guessing. >.>


Oh calm down we're all just poking fun at each other here.

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Yes, "follow my own advice."


If I did that, I'd be dead... and you would be happy, I'm guessing. >.>

Dead? I would like if you died? I am already dead. I shouldn't be happy if someone faced the same fate I did. The reason I still have a life, my life has no meaning anymore. I learned nothing from my faults and my success is nothing more than awards that are given out to people because they can push beyond the others. My medium is what you read about. You are reading this. This is exactly what my medium is. A dead soul, typing aimlessly to you and others to be able to understand my ideas and the reason why I am dead inside without having to explain myself.

Yeah I did which is why I said that.


I know you're joking but I still tuned you out (83)




Oh calm down we're all just poking fun at each other here.

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Dead? I would like if you died? I am already dead. I shouldn't be happy if someone faced the same fate I did. The reason I still have a life, my life has no meaning anymore. I learned nothing from my faults and my success is nothing more than awards that are given out to people because they can push beyond the others. My medium is what you read about. You are reading this. This is exactly what my medium is. A dead soul, typing aimlessly to you and others to be able to understand my ideas and the reason why I am dead inside without having to explain myself.


You lost me there.

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