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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Not if the metal suit is powered by the radioactivity from another galaxy which has a half-life of thousands of years. So unless you have a way of extracting the radioactive material from the suit (which can only be accessed when the user possesses the exact alien DNA that matches the weapon's access filters), there's no way.


The same with the lazer shield. If any of you have played as either Fox or Falco in Brawl, then you'd know how it works. If not, it's basically a hexagon-shaped device that projects a hexagonal lazer about 2 meters in diameter that can deflect or even reflect even the heaviest of objects or most powerful forces of energy-based projectiles. So if you think you can take me out with a vending machine, then you might as well take out your favorite drink or snack from it first, cause it will most likely be launched to kingdom come or smoldered to ash; whichever strikes your fancy better.


Oh yeah and you have to have the same DNA matching to access it just like the suit. The same with all the other weapons except for the katanas. Plus you have to deal with the radioactivity.


@Broken: There better be cake this time, or I'm gonna throw a pie in yo face. >8D

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Jesus Christ. 4 pages in one night? Must have been a party.


I think it's been worse.


@Shizuo: Good luck. My new character is a mercenary from another galaxy that killed the organization he worked for to work freelance. They didn't stand a chance, even with their TOP SECRET "FBI" weapons and gear which was said to be more tactful than a whole Texas State PD riot team.


My point? My mechanical suit is *puts on sunglasses* ...out of this world. XD


Lame...and a bit too much like me who first got into weapon design after a top secret organization disbanded. Funny thing is, I didn't make this up on the spot since it's basically actual references to things that have happened on YCM and my bullet immunity was a joke I made on a MMO that stuck..


@Desu: ...sup? :/

Not much.

@Jake: Agreed. This place got pretty crazy.


It's been worse. Tip: Don't give Shion or DD a raygun.


To your second post, still lame bullsh*t.

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Why is it that "guy with a superpowered suit that gives him a sh*t-ton of weapons and power but is almost useless if it gets shut down." sound familiar?

Oh yeah, Cuz that's EXACTLY how my Lagann Breaker Armor works.


@Everyone else

If we start getting into personas I'm cooking you all the nicest steak dinner you've ever had and then brutally slaughtering every last one of your families...just sayin.

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