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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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For a moment, I thought you said weeks in stead of tweaks.


It's just taking pistols I already have and customizing/upgrading them a bit. Not like Shion's stuff who's I already have in stock. *Tosses Shion the mic, cord, and stand.*

You guys are unusually routy, that is what


We've been way worse you know. :/


Your nickname is better than mine Jake... -__-

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It's just taking pistols I already have and customizing/upgrading them a bit. Not like Shion's stuff who's I already have in stock. *Tosses Shion the mic, cord, and stand.*



We've been way worse you know. :/


Your nickname is better than mine Jake... -__-




You don't like desused? D:


@Raine: They're in las vegas with Daniel. 8D

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Daemon it is an annoying pet name that I think only a little girl would give me . . .


DF I highly doubt Jakey-Cake is better than yours


But it's so awesome. D: <

*catches equipment*


Awesome. Thanks for remembering I had this. *Thumbs up*


*winds up cord, readying for any future bar brawl*


Of course I'd remember. I practically gave you that in the first place. :3

maybe I am a little girl

Fine, I'll think of a new one >.>


Can I have his? :3

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What's the fight on/about? ._.


Also, Striker, we would be having mad sex on the couch next to Desu.

You're nothing special. Jake is an interspacial galaxy twisting person. Desu is a human weapons junkie that is actually good with them.. I am a humanoid person who is water and wings that hold and control electricity. You're a reaper with scythes.
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