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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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On the topic of armies, I prefer armies of brute strength and great agility.


Less power, costing less. Flood with drones to hold ground and pick off with increased range and much more indirect power.




And how could you have an army 'everything'. I mena, that would be an inherent impossibility.


I have an army of socks, it can't be that impossible.

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Having an army of 'everything' would mean that it is quite literally everything, that is something from the infinite number of universes that exists. Which would be impossible as you could never traverse and recruit from an infinite number of universes. Not to mention mutual and/or irrational hatred between two species. Not to mention as wlel that tiem needed ot tame the more wild species as well.

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Considering that I can travel to every universe it is possible for me to have one. But as I had but everything in parentheses it should be noted I only used that word to state it was quite vast in the number of individuals it has in it . . . but it is by no means everyone or everything.


Also Dane again I used a nuke because I couldn't be bothered to put the effort into actually fighting someone at that moment in time.

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I see *Hurls spear and impales Striker to a wall* I am VERY self-suffcient thank you very much.


*pulls spear out of gut*


You have been failing to catch Desu. It looked like you needed the help. Also, good thing I wear a bit of chain mail when I come here. This place gets chaotic.


*sees blood on tip of spear*


Excuse me as I go treat my wound.

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*Death glare* It's making him stay with me that is the issue; I could put him in a pit of bamboo if I so desired, but I prefer baiting with honey coated over creepiness. And I don't need you attempting to shmooze up to me in order to do so.


You know what your problem is Broken. You don't like the help of others. If you want to fail, go ahead. I'm not stopping you. If you want to succeed, stop with your moping and accept the help I've been doing. Besides, you;ll get your Panda. However, do you want him now or do you want to play cat and mouse for another few weeks before you get him?

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