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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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There is no more (8P)

I ate it all . . .


But for now I have to burn off the calories . . . so I am going to practice some jutsu

No matter. I still have tons more being delivered to the Treehouse... and the truck they're in re-makes them automatically each time one is stolen.


...I don't share.


Except with two people.


And one of those two people are imgainary. 8D


And the other is dead.

Doesn't matter. I'm still getting some cheesecake. *death glare*

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You can have it.

B-but you love cheesecake... 3:


We'll split it. I get a third and you get two-thirds. How's that sound?



I am unable to just sit there and JUST use taijutsu

Taijutsu is fun, but Ninjutsu is more RP friendly.


...and don't even get me started with Genjutsu.

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No I mean I generally can't stick to just plain fighting for very long without throwing an energy blast somewhere

Truth. But my personal opinion with plain fighting is that each post is generally 4 to 6 sentences long if you're trying to be semi-literate. Having to post a paragraph for a simple punch, block, or counter-attack is just torturous unless you're used to it.


I go on tangents a lot as you can tell by my title.

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My character nowadays is the one who doesn't care about fights, but he is able to actually win is wanting. He gives up before there is a declared winner and let the person he is facing find out who won. I can go with staying to a single hand to hand fighting, it is not my favorite, but I can deal with it. For length, that is easy, who can't do it?

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My character nowadays is the one who doesn't care about fights, but he is able to actually win is wanting. He gives up before there is a declared winner and let the person he is facing find out who won. I can go with staying to a single hand to hand fighting, it is not my favorite, but I can deal with it. For length, that is easy, who can't do it?


*cries a tear*

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Besides the cheap dodging, auto-hitting, and molecular phasing, my characters usually avoid hand-to-hand combat and attack indirectly so the risk of an unblockable attack is second to none. lol unblockable is not a word according to spell check :P

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