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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Halloween. Because I love scaring the s*** out of kids, jacking the stuff that they drop and then throwing s*** at their angry parents. And I can do this cuz it's the one day a year I can wear a mask and not look like a f*cking freakshow.


Then there's St.Patty's cuz I have an excuse to get piss drunk and pinch women on the ass.


and then Valentines Day.

Because it's the one day a year I can do something as simple as spend 10 bucks on some sh*tty chocolate and score with some dumbass broad i'll never speak to again. And have it work in context with the holiday.

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The reason i'm not in a relationship is the same reason getting laid is EASY AS HELL


alot of women are stupid and have been taught that their appearance is almost a mirror of their value as humans. This mentality goes further into the idea that they need to be these confident bastions of feminine power. This leaves the majority of them VERY open to any guy with the confidence to approach them, a Half-decent body and enough intelligence to talk them into thinking that he's the "Man for her."


The ones who are able to form their OWN opinions and not carbon-copy their thought patterns from the media and pop-culture icons. The ones that realize that they aren't bound to impress anyone. Those are the women that I usually hang out with on a friendly basis and not a "get laid and then circulate pics on 4chan" basis.


Hell the same thing goes for when I feel up for a guy. Cept it's a bit harder to do since gay guys have already more or less defied society's rules. Usually they enter "friends with benefits" territory.

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*throws Striker out of a window*


Okay now that THAT is done, Christian I-*is pushed out of the way*


Christian you shouldn't listen to other people and what they say about your girlfriend.

If you really love her that is all that matters, not appearance or even certain things they do that will get on your nerves.

[smiles and pats his head]

Got it?

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Hi Deus.

Christian ... those kinds of people should just be beaten up.


I'm in agreement with Lora. Honestly if I ever saw that kind of sh*t happening to someone, friend or not, I'd gladly walk over to them and kick their asses up and down the sidewalk.

Same, even though I'm not a violent person.

Although I am fond of explosions. I'll just rig the offender's locker with C-4 that triggers when they open it, and KABLOOE!

Never gets old. :3

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