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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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No matter how hard he tries, he will never become the Combat Butler. There are only two who have ever achieved that level. Lee Chaolong from Tekken 6, and Hayate Ayasaki from Hayate no Gotoku, Literally translated as Hayate of the Wind, also called Hayate the Combat Butler.


Sometimes I read to much into things. o_o;

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Come on the Butler always kicks ass . . . and is also the first person on the suspect list whenever a random dead body just happens to drop from the ceiling in this hotel


*dead body drops on the floor*


Like that <<

*starts raining dead bodies.*


Oh God. Not that. *watches the Happening.* So it was the Butler all along? Who knew? >.>

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*Laughing* I LOVE THIS GUN! And crashing airplanes. Oh shi- *Jumps from building as a piece of debris almost hits him* SHI- *Falls past them into the ground*

*appears out of a small cloud of darkness and makes a giant inflatable pad below Christian Exodia before he hits the ground*


Who's the dumbass who gave that dumbass a gun? <_<

It was me, Desu. I thought he wouldn't play safe and shoot himself. Sorry, I was mistaken. *curses and disappears.*

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Well I didn't now I have to fix that big hole in the wall <<

Already done. *motions towards the Kikoutei soldiers putting the finishing touches on the new wall patch. You can't even tell that there was anything damaging it before or the old area from the new patch* I always said you should make me the Janitor of the Hotel. :T

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*suddenly appears in front of Desu* Not just any Janitor, but the Janitor of SPACE. Now I can do awesome stuff. And I also get to give people grief about making a mess of the hotel with it being backed by the power of Legitimacy! >:U


Plus what Jake just said. I mean seriously, you guys just loaf around the hotel.


Oh and Jake, I'm deploying my Kikoutei soldiers to keep an eye out for messes. Just a heads up.

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It is Andrew that needs to be careful of them. Remember that they are war machines first and cleaning bots second. Anyone trying to put them under a control that is not mine will cause them to start emptying their considerable artillery on them, and I am the only one that can get rid of Phazon at the moment.


And now bed for me because class in the morning. My droids will make sure that the hotel stays in the same shape as it should always be until my return.

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