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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Dane and here I thought we were friends X3

but then again I was never out to impress anybody so, meh


...I have no clue what gave you that impression Jake.


I mean, I prosecuted you so long ago... Granted, it was mostly for practice, but hey, it counts I guess.


As for movies, screw them. I hate movies.


Unless it's a good movie.


And it's been a while since I've seen one I liked.

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Well there's that and i want to see Sherlock Holmes 2 whjen it comes out. Other than that I don't know what else there is.


P.S. Why do you always make the topic about movies? :/

Cause they're awesome.


I'm looking forward to a casting call for a big movie for the Studio here in Wilmington. I wanna give it a shot and maybe become an actor. IT's always been my dream. :3

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DF the reason is because it is something everyone can talk about.


Dane I thought that was practice and we always got along well beforehand <<


We got along because there was no point to messing with you.


Not because we were friends. Sorry to disappoint.


Dane, wasn't I your main source of practice before "the incident"? Anyway, I'll be on for a short while until I need to start my essay.


You were more like a light snack.

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LOL Striker face it people use you as a practice target or to pass the time XD


Not as much as they used to.


What did you think resident troll meant?


Me trolling the crap out of everyone.


Ah oh well, you're incredibly hard to kill anyways so don't worry about it


Your scared of my Treehouse, aren't you?


*pats Striker's shoulder*



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