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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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Jake's Hotel, man. We live in it. I was able to afford the Supernatural Wing, the high floor.


And you want the money, Remo?

Dang I thought you guys were talking about real life. I was like "Damn!" but I was wrong.


Can I get a job here, Jake? :3 *puppy eyes that can kill a man*

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DF is now the bouncer, allowed to kick out anyone who is causing problems; only overruled by Daemon or myself.


Shizuo is the bartender, ask him for a drink and he will provide it; save for the Bottled Souls which I personally own and distribute.


And Chan is the maid CX


Jake, for once in my time on YCM, I am proud of you.


Oh come on this CAN'T be the first time you've been proud of me XD


But I am happy to hear it, surprisingly . . .


Jake better have hired someone to train you [striker]. You weren't very competent at it when I left.


Well I've had to take some personal time to train him actually. He is now PAPER TRAINED XDDDD


What openings are there?


Brothar wanna be the clerk?

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