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YCMaker Ultra Hotel

Jake the Sage

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So, what does this club do? I've seen how active it is and am thinking of joining. From the looks of things you can discuss various topics, right?

Well Jake attempts to make this into a somewhat coherent environment and it acts as a bit of a casual RP in and of itself. That's at least what it started as.


Sometime after that, however Striker began using this place to make himself the target of humiliation, ridicule, ass-kicking and many other things he brings on himself



Christian, Broken, Shizuo and a few other guys post here occasionally but the real fun comes from Striker picking fights he can't possibly win even if it were possible to have a quantifiable "loss" in a forum RP battle. And then after that song-and-dance Daemon steps in to defend Striker like he doesn't deserve the persecution he gets



And then I show up, mostly to offer my copious levels of awesome to the total anarchy that this hotel has descended into, and to whoop on Striker without setting foot in that godawful treehouse of his.



So yeah it's a neat place.


Ohh and I forgot to mention Jake's little...girl...type...creature that he hangs out with, she carries a bat and likes to abuse Jake cuz he's a bit of a masochist like that.


And apparently Striker isn't enough for Daemon so he has a girl-type creature now too.


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